Council Rock High School South’s Marching Band takes 1st place at State Champs

On Saturday, October 27th the Council Rock High School South Marching Band won first place at the 2018 US Bands Group IV‑A Pennsylvania State Championships. With a score of 89.875 Council Rock High School South won all cap­tions includ­ing Music, Visual, Colorguard, Percussion, and Overall Effect. This is Council … Read more...

Council Rock Education Foundation Receives $15,000 Donation From Customers Bank for STEAM Initiatives

Jonathan Klass, Senior Vice President of Customers Bank present a dona­tion of $15,000 to the Council Rock Education Foundation (CREF) in sup­port of K — 12 district-wide S.T.E.A.M. ini­tia­tives not cov­ered by the annu­al school bud­get. This dona­tion will fund inno­v­a­tive projects that help Council Rock stu­dents strength­en … Read more...

Council Rock’s Richboro Elementary School Holds Sweet Intergenerational Activity

Richboro Elementary School Principal, Dr. Daneyelle Jordan, RES 5th grade teacher, Deb Cicchiello, RES music teacher, Kitty O’Connor, and twenty-one 5th grade stu­dents had cocoa and cook­ies with local senior cit­i­zens at the Northampton Senior Center recent­ly. The inter­gen­er­a­tional activ­i­ty proved to be a tru­ly “sweet” way to wel­come in … Read more...

Council Rock South Students Win Top Awards in Scholastic Art and Writing Contest

Since 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have rec­og­nized the vision, inge­nu­ity, and tal­ent of our nation’s youth and pro­vid­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties for cre­ative teens to be cel­e­brat­ed. Through the Scholastic Awards, teens in grades 7–12 from pub­lic, pri­vate, or home schools can apply in 29 cat­e­gories of art and … Read more...

Goodnoe Elementary School Exceeds in First In Math Program

For the third con­sec­u­tive year, Goodnoe Elementary School stu­dents placed nation­al­ly in the First in Math online com­pe­ti­tion. First in Math is an online learn­ing pro­gram that sees cities, schools, class­es, and stu­dents engag­ing in friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion while strength­en­ing their math skills. Competing from school or from home, stu­dents accu­mu­late … Read more...

Harlem Wizards Visit Council Rock Schools in Advance of Upcoming Game

Members of the Harlem Wizards Basketball Team were in CR schools on Friday, November 9 to talk to stu­dents about the impor­tance of work­ing as a team. With mes­sages of uni­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion woven into their assem­bly pro­grams, they urged stu­dents not to par­take in bul­ly­ing of any kind and … Read more...

Council Rock School District Bus Safety Video

Council Rock School District part­nered with local agen­cies to devel­op a safe­ty video that high­lights best prac­tices and quick action steps for stu­dents to fol­low in case of a bus emer­gency. Council Rock School District wel­comes all sur­round­ing dis­tricts to view the video and wish­es every­one a safe and hap­py … Read more...

Churchville Elementary School Welcomes Embryology Science Project Chicks

Chicks have hatched through­out the month of June in Council Rock’s Churchville Elementary School as part of the 4th Grade Embryology Project made pos­si­ble by CREF with sup­port from Customers Bank. A spe­cial thank you to Customers Bank for mak­ing it pos­si­ble for all of our 4th-grade stu­dents and class­rooms … Read more...

Council Rock North Students Take the No Place for Hate Pledge

Council Rock North ninth grade stu­dents were offered the oppor­tu­ni­ty to “Sign the Pledge” through the Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate cam­paign on their first day of school. Their sig­na­tures will be dis­played through­out the year next to the NP4H8 mur­al in CR North’s cafe­te­ria. Student lead­ers of the … Read more...

Council Rock’s Newtown Middle School’s Team Impact Holds Olympiad

It was a day that com­bined brains and brawn with cul­ture and com­pe­ti­tion in the name of ancient his­to­ry for Newtown Middle School’s Team Impact. As part of their study of Ancient Greek city-states, stu­dents spent weeks explor­ing the many ways in which the cit­i­zens of Sparta, Megara, Athens, Corinth, … Read more...

Council Rock Honors Experimental Research in STEM Students Complete Year-Long Independent Project

Honors Experimental Research in STEM is a senior-level course offered at our high schools for stu­dents who want to do an authen­tic, student-directed, research project in sub­ject areas cov­ered by the STEM areas – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. During the year, with the help of the teacher as facil­i­ta­tor, … Read more...

Council Rock Students from Goodnoe Elementary Make Mindfulness Mandalas

Goodnoe stu­dents meet sev­er­al times a year in mixed grade groups named after their school mas­cot, Rocky. This week saw Rocky’s Groups com­ing togeth­er to dis­cuss mind­ful­ness. Students learned the mind­ful tech­nique of PBS (paus­ing, breath­ing, smil­ing ) and also learned the mind­ful ele­ments of a man­dala. All groups enjoyed… Read more...

Holland Elementary School Celebrates Diversity With Heritage Project

Holland Elementary stu­dents, staff, and fam­i­lies cel­e­brat­ed diver­si­ty on Thursday, May 31 with an expan­sive project that saw stu­dents research­ing their her­itage and then pre­sent­ing what they learned to their school com­mu­ni­ty. Not only did the project rein­force impor­tant research skills, but it also proved to be an expan­sive cel­e­bra­tion … Read more...

Council Rock South High School’s Zero Robotics Team to Compete at M.I.T.

Seven stu­dents from Council Rock High School South will get the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­pete at the Zero Robotics inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) next week. South’s “Rock Rovers” Zero Robotics Team must com­plete a chal­lenge with SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient … Read more...

Famous Author, Todd Parr, Visits Council Rock Elementary Schools

Churchville stu­dents and staff from kinder­garten to third grade had a blast with Todd Parr on Friday, October 26th. Todd Parr is the author and illus­tra­tor of more than 40 books for chil­dren, includ­ing the New York Times best­selling The I Love You Book, The Earth Book, and The Thankful Book. He is the … Read more...