School Districts

Bucks County is com­prised of 13 school dis­tricts, sup­port­ing more than 96,000 stu­dents in over 270 schools.  With over 9,000 edu­ca­tors, these school dis­tricts all work dili­gent­ly to pro­vide excep­tion­al edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties to the chil­dren they serve.  Click on each dis­tricts to learn more about the advance­ments and news hap­pen­ing with their stu­dents and in their schools.

Together We Build Strong Minds!

Bucks County map with all 13 school districts delineated and named.

Bensalem School District Logo - capital B with blue and grey coloring.Bensalem
Bensalem Township School District oper­ates six ele­men­tary schools (K‑6), two mid­dle schools (7–8), and one high school (9–12).  The District pro­vides a wide array of options and oppor­tu­ni­ties for our stu­dents, and we are proud of our suc­cess­es.  Bensalem Proud, Bensalem Strong!

Bristol Borough Warriors Logo of an indian chief head in red on white.Bristol Borough
Bristol Borough is an his­toric riv­er com­mu­ni­ty locat­ed 22 miles north of Philadelphia. The com­mu­ni­ty has a great deal of pride in the peo­ple who make Bristol a vibrant place to live. The Bristol Borough School District, with a stu­dent pop­u­la­tion of 1250 stu­dents, builds upon this enthu­si­asm with a rich multi-cultural stu­dent population.

Bristol Township school district logo of a ribbon above and below a seal done in gold and black on white.Bristol Township
Bristol Township School District has six schools (3 ele­men­tary, 2 mid­dle and 1 high school) with approx­i­mate­ly 6300 stu­dents. At each grade lev­el, the District has imple­ment­ed a cur­ricu­lum that will help equip stu­dents to be good cit­i­zens, knowl­edge­able employ­ees and effec­tive lead­ers. We sup­port every stu­dent, every day!

Centennial School Dsitrict name with emblem forming their logoCentennial
Centennial School District is com­prised of Warminster Township, Upper Southampton Township, and Ivyland Borough. The dis­trict has approx­i­mate­ly 5,400 stu­dents in grades K‑12 (3 new ele­men­tary schools, 2 new­ly ren­o­vat­ed mid­dle schools, and 1 new high school). The Centennial School District will ensure stu­dents are pre­pared for post-secondary edu­ca­tion, career, and life readiness.

Central Bucks school district logo of a stylized C and B done in shades of blue.Central Bucks
Central Bucks is the third largest school dis­trict in Pennsylvania, with approx­i­mate­ly 18,400 stu­dents in 15 ele­men­tary schools, 5 mid­dle schools and 3 high schools.  The dis­trict includes the bor­oughs of Chalfont, Doylestown, and New Britain and town­ships of Buckingham, Doylestown, New Britain, Plumstead, Warrington, and Warwick.

Council Rock School District Logo - Students First., Always. Classroom, Community, Culture.  Council Rock
Council Rock School District believes that excel­lence in aca­d­e­mics comes from our pri­or­i­ty of “Students First, Always.” Serving over 11,000 stu­dents, the dis­trict oper­ates ten K‑6 ele­men­tary schools, two 7–8 mid­dle schools, and two 9–12 high schools. The STAR Center is a part of the Council Rock fam­i­ly, offer­ing edu­ca­tion­al ser­vices for stu­dents who require unique support.

Morrisville school district logo of a bulldog, shield and banner.Morrisville
Our District is focused on expand­ing the hori­zons and indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing excel­lence for each and every stu­dent.  We have 1 ele­men­tary school (K‑2), inter­me­di­ate school (3–5), and middle/high school (6–12) all pro­vid­ing a dynam­ic and car­ing envi­ron­ment achieved by our staff, stu­dents, par­ents, and com­mu­ni­ty work­ing togeth­er towards our mission.

A two colored capital 'N' with the word Neshaminy across it as the for the Neshaminy School District  Neshaminy
Neshaminy School District cur­rent­ly oper­ates 6 ele­men­tary schools, 3 mid­dle schools and 1 high school in a K‑4, 5–8 and 9–12 con­fig­u­ra­tion. The District draws strength from a high­ly sup­port­ive com­mu­ni­ty that has a rich his­to­ry of involve­ment with all aspects of edu­ca­tion. We Build Futures!

New Hope-Solebury School District Lion Mascot GraphicNew Hope-Solebury

New Hope-Solebury School District is com­mit­ted to inspir­ing pas­sion­ate, con­fi­dent, and inno­v­a­tive learn­ers with the abil­i­ty to adapt to a diverse and glob­al soci­ety. The dis­trict is com­prised of a High School (9–12), Middle School (6–8), and Upper Elementary School (3–5) and low­er Elementary School (K 2). The dis­trict serves approx­i­mate­ly 1,300 stu­dents K 12. four schools, a High School(9–12), a Middle School(6–8), and Upper Elementary School (3–5) and a low­er Elementary School(K‑2). The dis­trict serves approx­i­mate­ly 1400 stu­dents K‑12.

PSD for Palisades School District   Palisades
Palisades School District is a com­mu­ni­ty of learn­ers. Working col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly, we will pro­vide a safe, enrich­ing envi­ron­ment where­in all stu­dents can achieve col­lege and career readi­ness and demon­strate leadership.

Palisades school disirict logo of a rams head and district name in green and greyPennridge
Pennridge School District has 11 schools and proud­ly edu­cates near­ly 7,000 stu­dents from eight munic­i­pal­i­ties. Pennridge is pas­sion­ate about edu­ca­tion, learn­ing, and the very reward­ing work of ensur­ing that we meet each and every child where they are and part­ner with them for suc­cess while ensur­ing we always con­tin­ue to pro­vide high-quality instruc­tion in our classrooms.

Pennsbury School District logo of a circle surrounding a shield type design.Pennsbury
With near­ly 10,500 stu­dents, the Pennsbury School District has 10 ele­men­tary, 3 mid­dle, and 1 high school.  The District draws stu­dents from the town­ships of Falls and Lower Makefield, and bor­oughs of Tullytown and Yardley.  We proud­ly pre­pare our stu­dents to become cre­ative, eth­i­cal, and crit­i­cal thinkers for life­long suc­cess in a glob­al society.

Quakertown school district logo of panther coming out of a Q.Quakertown Community
Located in Upper Bucks, QCSD sits in a mixed set­ting of sub­ur­ban, rur­al and urban com­mu­ni­ties. The dis­trict pop­u­la­tion of just under 5,000 stu­dents enjoys a diverse cur­ricu­lum that boasts the most Advanced Placement cours­es in PA, pre-engineering class­es, a state cham­pi­on music pro­gram, World Languages in K‑12 and both pre‑K and full-day K.

Bucks County Intermediate Logo of name and stick figures representing diversity, inclusiveness, and ages birth-21.  Bucks County Intermediate Unit
The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) is a region­al edu­ca­tion­al ser­vice agency pro­vid­ing cost-effective, management-efficient pro­grams to the pub­lic and pri­vate K‑12 schools, school dis­tricts, and com­mu­ni­ty of Bucks County.