Bucks County Reading Olympics Pivots to a Virtual Format as it Celebrates 27 Years

The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) was delight­ed to bring back the Bucks County Reading Olympics for its 27th year. Held annu­al­ly in April, it had to be can­celled last year due to the sud­den imple­men­ta­tion of COVID restric­tions, how­ev­er this year every­one involved was deter­mined to hold … Read more...

Principal Finnerty to grads: ‘Make it a great life, Panthers!’

After each new grad­u­ate walks the stage to receive their diplo­ma, Superintendent Dr. Bill Harner meets them at the bot­tom of the steps to shake their hand.

On Friday night he shook the hand of near­ly 385 grad­u­ates at Lehigh University’s Stabler Arena. As he held the hand of Alexandra Brandis, Read more...

Upper Bucks Tech School Tour Promotes Alternatives to College Life

Upper Bucks County Technical School in Perkasie host­ed a cam­pus tour for an offi­cial from Gov. Tom Wolf’s admin­is­tra­tion, high­light­ing the val­ue of voca­tion­al education.

There’s nowhere else Dylan Augustin would rather be on a rainy Thursday morn­ing than scrunched inside the body of a clas­sic sports car, pow­er tools … Read more...

Career Technical Schools

Today’s Career and Technical Centers (CTCs) oper­ate as a school of choice designed for stu­dents who are seek­ing to enhance their edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram with a high­ly rel­e­vant career and tech­ni­cal expe­ri­ence con­nect­ed direct­ly to the real world of busi­ness and indus­try.  Over 400 busi­ness and indus­try advi­sors review and update Read more...

Bucks Tech Students win Auto Competition

Seniors Eric Harlan, of Bristol Township, and Dominic Carbone, of Falls, are the first pair from the Bristol Township school to win the Greater Philadelphia Automotive Technology competition.

A keen knack for trou­bleshoot­ing cars has earned two Bucks County Technical High School seniors some pres­ti­gious recog­ni­tion and a fair­ly mas­sive … Read more...

Middle Bucks Student-built house finds a home! 

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that the school’s student-built home has moved to its per­ma­nent loca­tion in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

The home was dis­as­sem­bled and loaded by crane on to 4 flatbed trucks, then trans­port­ed to the buyer’s site.

The stu­dent built house is built pri­mar­i­ly …

QCHS senior a Presidential Scholars semifinalist

Raymond Slifer, a senior at Quakertown Community High School and Upper Bucks County Technical School, has been named a Career and Technical Education semi­fi­nal­ist can­di­date in the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.

He is the only stu­dent in Pennsylvania to achieve the program’s CTE des­ig­na­tion and one of only 56 nation­wide.… Read more...

2 from QCHS are Presidential Scholar candidates

Two Quakertown Community High School stu­dents have been select­ed as can­di­dates for the United States Presidential Scholars Program. The out­stand­ing seniors are Matt Catalano and Raymond Slifer, who also attends Upper Bucks County Technical School.

The two QCHS stu­dents are among more than 4,500 stu­dents invit­ed to apply for the … Read more...

Middle Bucks Celebrates Innovation as Engineering Students Invent Hide Tumbler and File Patent

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT), a lead­ing career and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion school in Bucks County, PA, proud­ly announces a ground­break­ing inven­tion by its tal­ent­ed stu­dents from the Engineering-Related Technology pro­gram. In part­ner­ship with the Ornithology Department at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, the … Read more...

Operation Prevention; Addressing the Opioid Overdose Epidemic with Students

As most of us are aware, our coun­try is in the mid­dle of an opi­oid over­dose epi­dem­ic. In the wake of this epi­dem­ic, a new school code requires schools to pro­vide instruc­tion to stu­dents in grades 6–12 relat­ed to the pre­ven­tion of opi­oid abuse, begin­ning in the 2018–19 school year. … Read more...

Bucks County Student Arts Expo

Experience the excep­tion­al tal­ents of our Bucks County Student Artists as they exhib­it and per­form.  Bring the fam­i­ly for a won­der­ful evening of arts and cul­ture in sup­port of these Bucks County pub­lic school stu­dents and the broad and diverse arts pro­grams offered in our dis­trict schools and career tech­ni­cal … Read more...

Upper Bucks Technical School Names New Executive Director

There’s a new man in charge at Upper Bucks County Technical School in Bedminster.  John Sweda will suc­ceed Bernard Wagenseller, who had been the school’s top admin­is­tra­tor the last six years.

The school — which draws stu­dents from the Quakertown Community, Pennridge and Palisades school dis­tricts — recent­ly named John Sweda … Read more...