Central Bucks stu­dents, 75 from Central Bucks High School West and 75 from Lenape Middle School, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Feed My Starving Children event at Delaware Valley University.

Teams of stu­dents hand packed meals that will be dis­trib­uted to chil­dren around the world by Feed My Starving Children®, is a non­prof­it … Read more...

Central Bucks West Student’s Winning Essay Examines Struggles of Women in India

When Central Bucks West sopho­more Esha Gadi read the instruc­tions for the 2022 India Philanthropy Alliance Youth Essay Competition about address­ing a prob­lem beset­ting India, her mind imme­di­ate­ly went to her mom.

Growing up in India, Gadi’s moth­er want­ed to be a vet­eri­nar­i­an, want­ed to have the type of oppor­tu­ni­ties as … Read more...

Central Bucks Students Study in Spain

More than 100 Central Bucks High School stu­dents and their chap­er­ones vis­it­ed Salamanca, Segovia, Ávila, Toledo and Madrid!

As part of the “Study Abroad: Spain,” course, 117 CBSD stu­dents trav­eled to Spain. Each stu­dent attend­ed four manda­to­ry night ses­sions and con­duct­ed research on a top­ic of their choice relat­ing to … Read more...

CB West Earns College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award

Central Bucks High School West has earned the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achiev­ing high female rep­re­sen­ta­tion in AP Computer Science Principles. Schools hon­ored with the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award have expand­ed young women’s access to AP com­put­er sci­ence courses.

Out of the …

Central Bucks Students Take Part in Annual Business Simulation

During a two-day event, about 50 advanced place­ment eco­nom­ics and busi­ness stu­dents from all three Central Bucks School District (CBSD) high schools (CB East, CB South, and CB West) gath­er in a con­fer­ence room with more than a dozen men­tors. They man­age a sim­u­lat­ed for-profit stu­dent com­pa­ny, … Read more...