2nd Annual Senior Walk at Palisades!

We were thrilled to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cel­e­brate the grad­u­a­tion of the Class of 2019 with our ele­men­tary stu­dents, staff and teach­ers dur­ing the 2nd Annual Senior Walk.  Our grad­u­at­ing stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ed in this fun event hon­or­ing and con­grat­u­lat­ing them on their achieve­ment!   It is a real­ly fun for … Read more...

Congratulations to PSD’s Tinicum Elementary! PA Distinguished School!

Congratulations to Tinicum Elementary School’s teach­ers, staff, stu­dents and fam­i­lies for being named a Distinguished School by the PA Department of Education.  Tinicum Elementary School was rec­og­nized for being in the top 5% of Title 1 schools in the state for … Read more...

Congratulations to the Springfield Elementary Team

Springfield Elementary School was rec­og­nized at the State Level for “high fideli­ty imple­men­ta­tion of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Program (PBIS).”  This pro­gram, in its sec­ond year of imple­men­ta­tion at Springfield Elementary high­lights pro­motes pos­i­tive behav­ior by rec­og­niz­ing stu­dents who are respect­ful, respon­si­ble and kind.  In order … Read more...

Students Take Part in UN Summit on Clean Water

On April 20, 2018 the Palisades High School Global Pathway invit­ed globally-minded stu­dents to trav­el to NYC to attend a United Nations Conference on Students Seeking Solutions on world­wide water sus­tain­abil­i­ty. This con­fer­ence con­nect­ed stu­dents (col­lege and high school lev­el) with inter­na­tion­al experts from around the world.  Twenty-six Palisades High … Read more...

Student Takes 2nd Place in State Video Contest About the Dangers of Opiods

At the end of the school year, Crysta O’Donnell (senior at Palisades High School) was named the sec­ond place fin­ish­er in the “Talk to Your State Senator” video com­pe­ti­tion show­ing the dan­gers of opi­od abuse. Senator Mensch vis­it­ed Palisades High School to help rec­og­nize this accom­plish­ment with Crysta’s fam­i­ly, peers from

Welcome to the Class of 2032-Thanks to Palisades Community Foundation


Our incom­ing kinder­garten stu­dents (Class of 2032) received FREE books at the kinder­garten ori­en­ta­tion vis­it in ear­ly June, thanks to a gen­er­ous dona­tion of $1,000 from the Palisades Community Foundation!  Bags for the books to be dis­trib­uted in were gra­cious­ly print­ed and donat­ed … Read more...

Even During a Pandemic, Students Flourish in Clubs and Activities

Open for face to face and online learn­ing since the begin­ning of the school year (August 31st), Palisades stu­dents, fam­i­lies, and staff have been work­ing dili­gent­ly to mit­i­gate the spread of COVID-19 in our com­mu­ni­ty, to keep schools open and allow face to face and online pro­grams (K‑12) to flour­ish Read more...

Paige Kukowski Named as High School Leader by Widener University

Widener University, one of the nation’s pre­mier uni­ver­si­ties for civic engage­ment and applied lead­er­ship, in part­ner­ship with WCAU-TV NBC10, rec­og­nized Paige Kukowski as a win­ner of the Widener University High School Leadership Awards. To read the full press release, please click on the fol­low­ing link.

One of the key­stones …