Congratulations to the Springfield Elementary Team

Springfield Elementary School was rec­og­nized at the State Level for “high fideli­ty imple­men­ta­tion of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Program (PBIS).”  This pro­gram, in its sec­ond year of imple­men­ta­tion at Springfield Elementary high­lights pro­motes pos­i­tive behav­ior by rec­og­niz­ing stu­dents who are respect­ful, respon­si­ble and kind.  In order … Read more...

Student Takes 2nd Place in State Video Contest About the Dangers of Opiods

At the end of the school year, Crysta O’Donnell (senior at Palisades High School) was named the sec­ond place fin­ish­er in the “Talk to Your State Senator” video com­pe­ti­tion show­ing the dan­gers of opi­od abuse. Senator Mensch vis­it­ed Palisades High School to help rec­og­nize this accom­plish­ment with Crysta’s fam­i­ly, peers from

Palisades is Chosen as a District of Distinction

District Administration mag­a­zine announced Palisades School District as one of the 45 dis­tricts nation­wide named as a District of Distinction.

Districts of Distinction was estab­lished by District Administration to hon­or school dis­tricts that are lead­ing the way with new ideas that solve chal­lenges. Honorees are select­ed based on the … Read more...