Student Takes 2nd Place in State Video Contest About the Dangers of Opiods

At the end of the school year, Crysta O’Donnell (senior at Palisades High School) was named the sec­ond place fin­ish­er in the “Talk to Your State Senator” video com­pe­ti­tion show­ing the dan­gers of opi­od abuse. Senator Mensch vis­it­ed Palisades High School to help rec­og­nize this accom­plish­ment with Crysta’s fam­i­ly, peers from her TV Video Classes with Mr. Gilbert, staff mem­bers, School Board Members and admin­is­tra­tors. Crysta’s video is pow­er­ful and should be viewed by all high school par­ents and stu­dents. For her recog­ni­tion, she won a $1500 deposit in a 529 account to help with her post-secondary edu­ca­tion. To view the video and all oth­er win­ning sub­mis­sions, go to or see Crysta’s submission.