Lendo Fellowships Awarded to 12 Pennsbury Students

Thanks to a gen­er­ous endow­ment fund estab­lished in 2007 by Pennsbury ’64 alum­nus, Arthur J. Lendo, Ph.D., 12 stu­dents at Pennsbury High School were select­ed to receive Lendo Fellowship awards to help sup­port their aca­d­e­m­ic and co-curricular pur­suits. The 2019–2020 school year marked the endow­ment fund’s 13th anniver­sary. The … Read more...

Two Pennsbury Staffers Achieve Google Distinction

Pennsbury Technology Director, Brad McCormick, and Educational Technology Specialist, Mandy Lutz, achieved the des­ig­na­tion  of  “Google for Education Certified Trainer,” a dis­tinc­tion that has been reached by few­er than 2,000 peo­ple in the world. This pres­ti­gious des­ig­na­tion rec­og­nizes Ms. Lutz and Mr. McCormick as two of the top … Read more...

Pennsbury Learning Gardens Toured by Waste Management Partners

Pennsbury School District is hon­ored to be includ­ed among numer­ous local part­ners to Waste Management, Inc. (WM) in the devel­op­ment and care of local learn­ing gar­dens. Other local enti­ties part­ner­ing with WM in this effort include the Falls Township Senior Center, Pennsbury Manor, The Pen Ryn School, and … Read more...

Afton Elementary Named a National Blue Ribbon School

Pennsbury’s Afton Elementary School was named a National Blue Ribbon School on September 26th by U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. One of 362 schools rec­og­nized nation­wide (1% of all schools) Afton was hon­ored for its progress in clos­ing achieve­ment gaps among stu­dent subgroups.

Congratulations to the entire …

Pennsbury Welcomes Grant Awards

Pennsbury is one of six school dis­tricts in Bucks and Montgomery coun­ties that each received a $35,000 PAsmart tar­get­ed grant to enhance com­put­er sci­ence class­es and staff devel­op­ment. Jessica Perfetto, Applied Engineering & Technology Education Curriculum Coordinator for Pennsbury, applied for the grant on behalf of the School District. “This … Read more...

Paleontologists Visit Pennsbury

Paleontologists, Mike and Roberta Straka, vis­it­ed with sec­ond graders at Afton and Quarry Hill ele­men­tary schools as a tie-in with the Pennsbury sci­ence cur­ricu­lum. “The stu­dents learned a lot from the pre­sen­ters,” shared Afton teacher, Rhea Jones. “They were very orga­nized and engag­ing. There was a lot of oppor­tu­ni­ty … Read more...

Pennsbury Schools, District Earn National Recognition

Character.org, a nation­al advo­cate and leader for char­ac­ter devel­op­ment in our schools and com­mu­ni­ties, has named the Pennsbury School District a 2020 National District of Character and Afton, Edgewood, Fallsington, Oxford Valley, and Quarry Hill ele­men­tary schools and Pennwood and William Penn mid­dle schools as 2020 National Schools of Character. … Read more...

Pennsbury Thespians Earn Accolades

At the 53rd annu­al Bucks County Playhouse Student Theatre Festival, Pennsbury Drama stu­dents per­formed a por­tion of their spring dra­ma pro­duc­tion, which was pre­sent­ed vir­tu­al­ly to local audi­ences. “This year, the entire the­atre fes­ti­val was held vir­tu­al­ly, but live via Zoom,” said Drama Director and vocal music teacher, Matt SouthRead more...

Philadelphia Orchestra Members Perform for String Students

Instrumental music teacher, Michael McGarry, reports that string stu­dents from all three Pennsbury mid­dle schools attend­ed a per­for­mance by a quar­tet of musi­cians from the Philadelphia Orchestra.  “Students lis­tened to pieces from the clas­si­cal reper­toire by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven in the newly-refurbished Pennwood audi­to­ri­um,” said Mr. McGarry.  Performers … Read more...

Pennsbury Librarians Coordinate Book Lending

Students across the Pennsbury School District have access to books from the school libraries dur­ing the COVID clo­sure peri­od thanks to the District  librar­i­ans, shares Manor Elementary librar­i­an, Megan Edson.  “All ten ele­men­tary schools are offer­ing curb­side pick-up of library books by hav­ing stu­dents select books via Destiny (Pennsbury’s … Read more...

Pennsbury Recognized as Outstanding Visual Arts Community

The Pennsylvania Art Education Association (PAEA) is proud to rec­og­nize Pennsbury School District for its out­stand­ing com­mit­ment to visu­al arts edu­ca­tion with the endorse­ment, Outstanding Visual Arts Community 2019. PAEA empow­ers its mem­bers to trans­form their prac­tices, stu­dents, col­leagues, and com­mu­ni­ties to build a strong art edu­ca­tion … Read more...

Grants Awarded to Pennsbury Schools by Partners Program

The Pennsbury Partners Advisory Board Mini-Grant Committee recent­ly award­ed five schools with spe­cial, corporate-sponsored mini-grants in the amount of $3,010. The pur­pose of these grants is to fos­ter part­ner­ship devel­op­ments in each school that: 

- Make a pos­i­tive impact on stu­dent aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment by link­ing with cur­ricu­lum;
- Combine …

Biography Bash Held at Walt Disney Elementary

Third grade stu­dents held their annu­al “Biography Bash” at Pennsbury’s Walt Disney Elementary School in the spring of 2019. “This is a two-part project that involves in-classroom research and a project to work on at home,” explained teacher, Jess Holzerman. “Students arrived dressed as famous peo­ple, ready to embody … Read more...