Pennsbury Welcomes Grant Awards

Pennsbury is one of six school dis­tricts in Bucks and Montgomery coun­ties that each received a $35,000 PAsmart tar­get­ed grant to enhance com­put­er sci­ence class­es and staff devel­op­ment. Jessica Perfetto, Applied Engineering & Technology Education Curriculum Coordinator for Pennsbury, applied for the grant on behalf of the School District. “This grant will sup­port Pennsbury mid­dle schools and the AE & TE depart­ment in intro­duc­ing Project Lead the Way cur­ricu­lum at the 6th-8th grade lev­els,” said Ms. Perfetto. “With a District focus on STEM, Pennsbury ele­men­tary schools intro­duced a K‑5 STEM course called SPARK in 2019–2020. This grant will pro­vide the oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents to con­tin­ue to devel­op age-appropriate STEM skills in mid­dle school before they have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take cours­es such as Robotics & Coding, Engineering, and Product Design at Pennsbury High School.”

Another recent grant award will bring a new con­vec­tion oven to the cafe­te­ria kitchen at Penn Valley Elementary School. The U.S. Department of Agriculture des­ig­nat­ed $30 mil­lion to state agen­cies to com­pet­i­tive­ly award equip­ment assis­tance grants to eli­gi­ble School Food Authorities par­tic­i­pat­ing in the School Nutrition Program. Pennsylvania award­ed $925,473 to 72 schools across the state. “Here in Pennsbury, we reviewed our food ser­vice cap­i­tal needs assess­ment with the Board Finance/Partnership Committee in September,” said Pennsbury CFO, Christopher Berdnik. “Aligning our infra­struc­ture needs to the grant cri­te­ria, the Business Office/Financial Services team sub­mit­ted appli­ca­tions for three schools. The Commonwealth pri­or­i­tized schools based on stu­dent needs. We are grate­ful for the Commonwealth’s sup­port and anx­ious to replace this infra­struc­ture at Penn Valley.”