Neshaminy Performs Together…Even When Apart

The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic may have put the brakes on spring con­certs, but the music teach­ers and stu­dent per­form­ers did­n’t let that stop them from join­ing in song even though they were apart.

Several schools host­ed vir­tu­al recitals that includ­ed dozens or even hun­dreds of par­tic­i­pants in Zoom meet­ings lis­ten­ing to their … Read more...

Neshaminy celebrates Constitution Day

Neshaminy schools cel­e­brat­ed Constitution Day on Monday, September 17 with sev­er­al activ­i­ties. That date is the 231st anniver­sary of the sign­ing of the U.S. Constitution, and any school receiv­ing fed­er­al fund­ing is man­dat­ed to teach the his­to­ry and con­tent of the Constitution around that date.

The Constitution Day speak­er series at

Teachers secure $100k DEP grant to repair natural area by Neshaminy HS

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has award­ed Neshaminy School District an Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Grant (also known as the Growing Greener Grant) in the amount of $100,339.00.

This grant was estab­lished under the Commonwealth’s Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Act (1999) with the goal … Read more...

Poquessing Select Choir featured at conferences

The Poquessing Middle School (Feasterville) Select Choir and direc­tor Jason Leigh received some excit­ing news in June — their group will be per­form­ing at the American Choir Directors Association Eastern Region Conference in Rochester, NY in March, 2020.  Poquessing was the only mid­dle school cho­sen by audi­tion for this hon­or, … Read more...

Bitmoji classrooms add fun, personality to online learning

With the start of the new school year, Neshaminy stu­dents are start­ing their class­es online. The cur­rent plan calls for a hybrid com­bi­na­tion of online and in-person learn­ing to begin in October, and pos­si­bly addi­tion­al in-person time after that if health & safe­ty con­di­tions allow.

Preparing for these pos­si­bil­i­ties, Neshaminy teach­ers …

Produce donation expanding food horizons

Students at Tawanka Elementary School in Feasterville have been sam­pling a vari­ety of fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles thanks to a part­ner­ship between phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion teacher Bob Wright and the Giant Food Store in Feasterville. Each month the stu­dents will receive a sam­ple of a dif­fer­ent fruit or veg­etable — start­ing … Read more...

From Neshaminy to the world, American Idol competitor charms audiences

Neshaminy High School senior Catie Turner had a dream to com­pete on the ABC-TV reboot of the pop­u­lar show American Idol, and she did­n’t let a lit­tle thing like rejec­tion from her first audi­tion stop her from ful­fill­ing that dream.

With an ener­getic, quirky style and a singing voice that some … Read more...

Neshaminy drama students stage an original play online

A group of Neshaminy High School Drama stu­dents wrapped up their Counterparts in Hope Facebook Live per­for­mance series on May 26 with a unique show. Each week since the Covid-19 clo­sure began in March, the stu­dents have been stag­ing a series of indi­vid­ual per­for­mances online every Tuesday evening. Those per­for­mances … Read more...

Neshaminy Education Foundation pivots for the pandemic

The Neshaminy Education Foundation (NEF) has donat­ed $18,000 to Neshaminy School District to fund the pur­chase of 435 blue­tooth micro­phone head­sets. The recharge­able units clip on to the users ear, and will make it eas­i­er for teach­ers to com­mu­ni­cate with their stu­dents who are in vir­tu­al learn­ing class­es … Read more...

Audubon Society sponors girls STEAM Club

Thanks to a grant-funded ini­tia­tive from the Bucks County Audubon Society, a group of 5th-grade girls at Poquessing Middle School in the Neshaminy School District are spend­ing some of their after­noons explor­ing sci­ence, nature and physics dur­ing STEAM Club meet­ings. This pilot con­cept activ­i­ty is in its first year and … Read more...

Sixth-grade class reunites after 47 years

On January 26, 2019, 17 of 21 stu­dents from retired Neshaminy School District teacher Harry Myrga’s 1972–1973 sixth-grade class at Everitt Elementary School returned to the area for a reunion held at the Attleboro Community in Langhorne. They came from as far away as Washington state, Arizona, Texas and Israel. … Read more...

MLK Day project offers hope and fills “Blessing Bags”

On Monday, January 20, over 150 Maple Point Middle School stu­dents and a small group of Neshaminy High School stu­dents gath­ered in the cafe­te­ria at Maple Point in Langhorne for the third annu­al Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service project to ben­e­fit Angels in Motion. 

Students through­out the …

Online Learning at Neshaminy? We Got This!

The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic may have put the brakes on a tra­di­tion­al school year at Neshaminy, but the learn­ing con­tin­ued almost imme­di­ate­ly as the District quick­ly moved the cur­ricu­lum online.

With lit­tle warn­ing, all Bucks County schools closed on Friday, March 13. Shortly after, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ordered all schools … Read more...

Neshaminy named “Best Community for Music Education” for fifth year

Neshaminy School District has once again been hon­ored with the Best Communities for Music Education des­ig­na­tion from The NAMM Foundation for its out­stand­ing com­mit­ment to music edu­ca­tion. This des­ig­na­tion is award­ed to dis­tricts that demon­strate out­stand­ing achieve­ment in efforts to pro­vide music access and edu­ca­tion to all stu­dents. Neshaminy has Read more...

Neshaminy HS senior excels in business competition

The Neshaminy High School Business, Computer and Information Technology (BCIT) Department is proud to rec­og­nize the Neshaminy Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) mem­ber Aaron Lewis. Aaron took FIRST place in the Entrepreneurship Event at the vir­tu­al State Competition in April, qual­i­fy­ing him to com­pete vir­tu­al­ly … Read more...