Neshaminy HS senior excels in business competition

The Neshaminy High School Business, Computer and Information Technology (BCIT) Department is proud to rec­og­nize the Neshaminy Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) mem­ber Aaron Lewis. Aaron took FIRST place in the Entrepreneurship Event at the vir­tu­al State Competition in April, qual­i­fy­ing him to com­pete vir­tu­al­ly at the National Competition in June. Aaron com­pet­ed against the best teams in every state, Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands in both a 100-question test and a live zoom pre­sen­ta­tion to a pan­el of judges. With over 100 teams com­pet­ing in this event, Aaron placed fifth in the entire nation. This marks the sec­ond time Aaron com­pet­ed at FBLA Nationals and placed in the top ten. As a fresh­man in 2019, Aaron placed sev­enth in Banking and Financial Systems.