Fifth-grade cancer survivor leads education campaign

Poquessing Middle School fifth-grader Sara Harvey is a can­cer sur­vivor cel­e­brat­ing sev­en years cancer-free. She has seen first-hand the toll that can­cer takes on a fam­i­ly. Her own sto­ry led her to approach Principal Timothy Hunt in late August to ask if he would help spread the mes­sage behind Septembers Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. He agreed, and the Poquessing staff was delight­ed to take part!

They adver­tised the month on the school’s elec­tron­ic bill­board, and rec­og­nized Sara, along with fel­low 5th grad­er Kayden, both can­cer sur­vivors. On Tuesday, September 21, Poquessing “went gold” (the col­or asso­ci­at­ed with can­cer aware­ness month) to sup­port chil­dren all over the world afflict­ed with this ter­ri­ble dis­ease. In addi­tion, Sara pro­vid­ed stu­dents and staff hon­orary gold rib­bons, and spoke to mem­bers of her 5th grade class about her battle.


Sara and her fam­i­ly attend­ed the September Neshaminy School District Board Public Meeting and spoke about her jour­ney and the aware­ness cam­paign. Following her com­ments, the Board resolved to rec­og­nize Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this year and into the future, and to sup­port her efforts and oth­ers such as Coaches vs. Cancer and Pink Out through­out the District.