Middle Bucks Student-built house finds a home! 

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that the school’s student-built home has moved to its per­ma­nent loca­tion in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

The home was dis­as­sem­bled and loaded by crane on to 4 flatbed trucks, then trans­port­ed to the buyer’s site.

The stu­dent built house is built pri­mar­i­ly …

The Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Consortium of Bucks County Delivers Equipment to MBIT Students

The Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Consortium of Bucks County has made a sig­nif­i­cant impact by pro­vid­ing essen­tial equip­ment to stu­dents enrolled in Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, and Welding pro­grams. This gen­er­ous sup­port goes beyond just the pro­vi­sion of tools; it rep­re­sents an invest­ment in the future of these stu­dents and the local work­force … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Student-Built House for Sale: Bid packets are available – Bids will be opened on January 30, 2020!

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Student–Built House Project is for sale! This year’s house is a 4‑bedroom, 2‑½ bath, ready-to-move-and-assemble mod­u­lar house. The student-built house is a qual­i­ty con­struct­ed, two-story colo­nial house mea­sur­ing approx­i­mate­ly 2,688 square feet and includes a kitchen, din­ing room, liv­ing room, fam­i­ly room and laun­dry … Read more...

MBIT Selected as FIRST Global Challenge Mentor

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) Engineering Technology stu­dents select­ed as FIRST Global Challenge Mentor. In 2017 an Olympic-style robot­ics com­pe­ti­tion was estab­lished by the U.S.-based orga­ni­za­tion, The FIRST Global Challenge (FGC).  The goal of the orga­ni­za­tion is to inspire youth around the world to pur­sue … Read more...

Career Fair between Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology a Huge Success

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) and Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties (HBA) recent­ly teamed up to host a career fair for MBIT stu­dents, and the event was a resound­ing suc­cess. Held at the Middle Bucks cam­pus, the career fair pro­vid­ed stu­dents … Read more...

National Job Shadowing Day!

National Job Shadowing Day! Thank you to Parkview Estates by Tollbrothers Inc for host­ing our stu­dents today! Students Mike Mollichella (Central Bucks East), Will Ott (Central Bucks East), James Walek (Central Bucks East), Zane Zbarsky (Council Rock South), Tim Horton (William Tennent), Chase Marcy (William Tennent) and Plumbing/HVAC teacher … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Annual Open House Thursday, November 29th 7–9 PM

Don’t miss this EXCITING opportunity
to learn more about the high wage,
high demand career and col­lege readiness
train­ing pro­grams offered at
Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.


MBIT Work-Based Education Students had a BUSY summer!

Level 200 Welding Technology stu­dent, Harrison Spurr doing his sum­mer co-op at CCM Fabrication Inc. in Warminster. Welding is an essen­tial com­po­nent of many indus­tries such as the auto­mo­tive indus­try, the con­struc­tion indus­try, the avi­a­tion indus­try, and more. Without this form of met­al work, so many things, includ­ing many build­ings, … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Third Year Automotive Technology Students Pass Their ASE EPA 609 Certification

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Automotive Technology pro­gram seniors passed their Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Environmental Protection Act-(EPA) 609 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling for Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC) Service. Auto tech­ni­cians who repair or ser­vice a motor vehi­cle air con­di­tion­ing (… Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Students Shine Bright with Impressive Performance at SkillsUSA District 2


The 2024 SkillsUSA District 2 Competitions were held at Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center in January and February with Middle Bucks Institute of Technology(MBIT) stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in 49 com­pe­ti­tions with a total of 66 MBIT com­peti­tors. MBIT placed in 28 events earn­ing 10 Bronze medals, 18 … Read more...

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Students Awarded Medals at SkillsUSA District 2 Competition!

The 2021 SkillsUSA District 2 Competitions were held vir­tu­al­ly in February with MBIT stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in 27 com­pe­ti­tions (32 MBIT com­peti­tors), MBIT placed in 16 events. There were 5 Bronze medals, 2 Silver medals, and 12 Gold Medals.  Some com­pe­ti­tions are indi­vid­ual events, and oth­ers are team events. MBIT had … Read more...