Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Students Shine Bright with Impressive Performance at SkillsUSA District 2


The 2024 SkillsUSA District 2 Competitions were held at Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center in January and February with Middle Bucks Institute of Technology(MBIT) stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in 49 com­pe­ti­tions with a total of 66 MBIT com­peti­tors. MBIT placed in 28 events earn­ing 10 Bronze medals, 18 Silver medals, and 21 Gold Medals.  Some com­pe­ti­tions are indi­vid­ual events, and oth­ers are team events. The stu­dents earn­ing gold medals will com­pete in the SkillsUSA State Competition, which will be held in Hershey, Pennsylvania in April. Congratulations to the teach­ers and stu­dents who took part in the SkillsUSA District 2 Competitions.

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is thrilled to cel­e­brate the over­whelm­ing suc­cess of our stu­dent SkillsUSA com­peti­tors. Their par­tic­i­pa­tion and suc­cess in these com­pe­ti­tions show the incred­i­ble prepa­ra­tion and skill devel­op­ment career tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion at MBIT pro­vides.  We wish our stu­dents the best of luck as they con­tin­ue to the state lev­el com­pe­ti­tion in Hershey.” ~ Dr. Mark Covelle, Administrative Director at MBIT

About SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA is a nation­al mem­ber­ship asso­ci­a­tion serv­ing high school, col­lege, and mid­dle school stu­dents who are prepar­ing for careers in trade, tech­ni­cal, and skilled ser­vice occu­pa­tions, includ­ing health occu­pa­tions, and for fur­ther edu­ca­tion. SkillsUSA is a part­ner­ship of stu­dents, teach­ers, and indus­try work­ing togeth­er to ensure America has a skilled work­force. SkillsUSA helps each stu­dent excel.

SkillsUSA empow­ers its mem­bers to become world-class work­ers, lead­ers and respon­si­ble American cit­i­zens. SkillsUSA improves the qual­i­ty of our nation’s future skilled work­force through the devel­op­ment of Framework skills that include per­son­al, work­place and tech­ni­cal skills ground­ed in aca­d­e­mics. SkillsUSA pro­duces the most high­ly skilled work­force in the world, pro­vid­ing every mem­ber the oppor­tu­ni­ty for career success.

MBIT’s SkillsUSA Winners


Competition NameStudentSchool DistrictStandings
Welding FabricationGarrettBostockCentral Bucks EastGold
Culinary ArtsWilliamNothumCentral Bucks SouthGold
Job Skill DemoEmma DaugaardCentral Bucks SouthGold
WeldingIsaiahLeichtCentral Bucks SouthGold
Electrical Construction WiringFrankTaseyCentral Bucks SouthGold
Welding FabricationJoeyCataldoCentral Bucks SouthGold
Welding FabricationJoeyHiltonCentral Bucks SouthGold
CybersecurityVuluanTruongCentral Bucks SouthGold
CarpentryLukeRyanCentral Bucks WestGold
Cosmetology 500AllisonMoreyCentral Bucks WestGold
TeamWorksLeviMehlerCentral Bucks WestGold
PlumbingRobertSnyderCouncil Rock NorthGold
CybersecurityRobertMiernickiCouncil Rock NorthGold
Industrial Motor ControlGabrielFittCouncil Rock NorthGold
Technical DraftingJacksonDollackCouncil Rock NorthGold
TeamWorksShawnCampbellCouncil Rock SouthGold
TeamWorksCavanDowlingCouncil Rock SouthGold
Medical MathAubrieMaldonadoWilliam TennentGold
Dental AssistingEmilyKraftWilliam TennentGold
Building ConstructionLuyzito RosalesWilliam TennentGold
TeamWorksMarkoKondratyukWilliam TennentGold


Competition NameStudentSchool DistrictStandings
Health Occupations Knowledge BowlBenjaminCimorelliCentral Bucks EastSilver
Architectural DraftingBrandonPollackCentral Bucks EastSilver
Cake DecoratingJohnathanCimorelliCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Cake DecoratingLaurenSchimmelCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Health Occupations Knowledge BowlClaireConoverCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Health Occupations Knowledge BowlAidenHenkinCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Nurse AssistingGiannaMokosCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Basic Health CareHarleiBrownellCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Web DesignGlebMilkevichCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Web DesignEgorMilkevichCentral Bucks SouthSilver
Automotive Maintenance & Light RepairDylanCooperCentral Bucks WestSilver
CosmetologyCeciliaLucaneseCentral Bucks WestSilver
Nail Care (2)LilyMooreCentral Bucks WestSilver
RyannFiloonCentral Bucks WestSilver
Informational Technology ServicesMatthewWendlingCouncil Rock SouthSilver
Health Occupations Knowledge BowlJasmineMoralesWilliam TennentSilver
Medical TerminologyBriellePrutzmanWilliam TennentSilver
Auto Service TechnologyChristianStierWilliam TennentSilver


Competition NameStudentSchool DistrictStandings
CTE EducationSusanSuberCentral Bucks EastBronze
Early ChildhoodEmmaPirolliCentral Bucks EastBronze
Quiz BowlKurtVonder SchmalzCentral Bucks EastBronze
Quiz BowlWilliamMackridesCentral Bucks SouthBronze
Quiz BowlChristianGoldererCentral Bucks SouthBronze
Quiz BowlIsabellaRisichCentral Bucks SouthBronze
Quiz BowlEmma DanilowiczCentral Bucks SouthBronze
Technical Computer ApplicationsJamesCarrCentral Bucks WestBronze
Criminal JusticeWilliamGregoryCouncil Rock NorthBronze
Medical AssistingEmilyHernandezCouncil Rock NorthBronze