Panthers bring community together in childhood cancer fight

As he walked to mid­field for the pre-game coin toss, many things ran through the mind of John Eatherton. The Quakertown Community High School senior and foot­ball team cap­tain was hold­ing the hands of two young boys, each in the midst of a bat­tle with cancer. 

It makes you

Teachers awarded student jerseys for making a difference

Before class­es began at Quakertown Community High School, sev­er­al senior student-athletes had their uni­forms ready as a one-day gift to their favorite teacher to wear or hang in their classroom.

What may become a new tra­di­tion was inspired by Kate Kemp, a social stud­ies teacher, who read about “My Jersey, Read more...

QCHS digital design teacher named art educator of the year

Amy Migliore, Digital Design teacher at Quakertown Community High School, has been named Pennsylvania Art Education Association 2019 Secondary Art Educator of the Year.

Ms. Migliore, well known as an inno­v­a­tive edu­ca­tor and in demand as a speak­er at uni­ver­si­ty con­fer­ences, has been an art teacher in QCSD for 19 … Read more...

QCHS kicks off Esports Club

Quakertown Community High School is adding one of the nation’s fastest-growing clubs to its wide array of activ­i­ties for stu­dents. The Esports Club was intro­duced to stu­dents on Feb. 1 and began com­pe­ti­tion on Feb. 17.

The goal of the club is to pro­vide stu­dents with a pos­i­tive social envi­ron­ment … Read more...

The Alumni Field Experience

Quakertown Community High School’s stu­dent sec­tion, band, and cheer squad cre­ate a com­mu­ni­ty spir­it at Friday night foot­ball games that is the envy of vis­it­ing schools.

The Quakertown Community School District has devel­oped a for­mu­la that doesn’t need a score­board to prove it’s a win­ner. On Friday nights at Alumni … Read more...

Harner, Local Officials, Inform Realtors of Area’s Real Estate Value

Superintendent Dr. Bill Harner and sev­er­al munic­i­pal offi­cials recent­ly held a sum­mit for about 50 Realtors, explain­ing the rea­sons their clients should be mov­ing into homes and start­ing busi­ness­es in the towns con­tained with­in the Quakertown Community School District.

We are very proud of what we are accom­plish­ing here,” … Read more...

QCHS grad set to make his mark in medicine and the military

One of Quakertown Community High School’s for­mer stu­dent lead­ers, cur­rent­ly in med­ical school, was recent­ly sworn in as an Army 2nd Lt.  Noah Wood, a 2017 QCHS grad­u­ate attend­ing Kansas City University — Joplin, will become a Captain and per­form his res­i­den­cy upon grad­u­a­tion, fol­lowed by four years of active Read more...

Football team gives little heroes night to remember

When Ashton Herd woke up Saturday morn­ing, he wasn’t feel­ing too great. The Quakertown Community High School line­man and his Panthers had lost their first game, a phys­i­cal con­test, 17–14, to Cheltenham, drop­ping their record to 4–1.

But then Ashton turned on his lap­top and clicked on Facebook. He soon Read more...

Justin Guarini’s positive message reaches Quakertown students

The American Idol and Broadway star, the school district’s Artist-In-Residence, preached con­fi­dence and a will­ing­ness to fail to ulti­mate­ly achieve suc­cess.    

From the out­set of a more than two-hour coach­ing ses­sion with Quakertown Community School District stu­dents and par­ents, Justin Guarini put every­one at ease. Headlined as an Audition Read more...

Students learn digital footprint is never erased

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents learned about their dig­i­tal foot­print and how any post they make to a social media site or any pho­to down­loaded to a cell phone can per­ma­nent­ly impact their reputation. 

Brian Hendrzak, a Richland Township Police Officer and one of two School Resource Officers Read more...

Student employs his 3D printer to fight COVID-19

Though only 12 years of age, Derek Calvello has shown both an entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it and a will­ing­ness to help oth­ers.

The Strayer Middle School 7th grad­er is known for sell­ing snow­cones in his neigh­bor­hood and has gum­ball machines in sev­er­al Quakertown busi­ness­es. Last year he cre­at­ed items to sell to … Read more...

QCSD celebrates first MLK Day of Service

Close to 200 stu­dents packed into the Quakertown Community High School cafe­te­ria this morn­ing, lis­tened intent­ly to a dynam­ic speak­er, and then braved the bit­ter cold in var­i­ous parts of Bucks County to serve their fel­low citizens.

The district’s first Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service — fol­low­ing a … Read more...