QCHS holds first Panther Clubs and Sports Fair

Quakertown Community High School held its first Panther Clubs and Sports Fair on October 1st, giv­ing stu­dents near­ly 50 options to choose from.

All stu­dents had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to walk around the gym­na­si­um track, where tables were set up with infor­ma­tion about each of the school’s clubs and sports. Read more...

Grads urged to cherish each moment

The Quakertown Community High School Class of 2023 advi­sors and stu­dent offi­cers cel­e­brat­ed 383 seniors with words of wis­dom that were at times fun­ny, seri­ous, and often emo­tion­al as fam­i­lies in the packed Alumni Field stands watched and lis­tened with their hearts full and eyes watery.

The 2023 Commencement Ceremony

Best Buddies Club breaks down barriers to friendships

The most pop­u­lar club at Quakertown Community High School only meets once a month for one hour, but its impact on the 180 stu­dents involved may be mea­sured by the smiles and friend­ships it’s created.

The club is called Best Buddies, and it’s ded­i­cat­ed to end­ing the social, phys­i­cal, and Read more...

QCHS has FBLA state champion

Avadar Brownlee of Quakertown Community High School won the state’s Future Business Leaders America state com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fied for nation­als. Her tri­umph came in the Human Resources Management com­pe­ti­tion.

“Avadar did a phe­nom­e­nal job and I couldn’t be more proud of her accom­plish­ment,” said Sandi Frisch, the fac­ul­ty advi­sor to … Read more...

Students’ Wawa behavior draws rave reviews

Quakertown par­ents, ya done good!

A busi­ness thought so much of your children’s polite and respect­ful behav­ior they’re throw­ing them a par­ty. The hon­or is being giv­en to approx­i­mate­ly two dozen stu­dents who attend Quakertown Community High School and were part of the Student Section for Friday night foot­ball games. Following Read more...

QCHS holds job fair for students, community

Quakertown Community High School stu­dents and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet with local busi­ness­es at the school’s first Job and Career Fair. Monday’s event gave stu­dents the chance to vis­it prospec­tive employ­ers dur­ing the school day. After dis­missal, adults were invit­ed in for the same opportunity.


QCHS kicks off Esports Club

Quakertown Community High School is adding one of the nation’s fastest-growing clubs to its wide array of activ­i­ties for stu­dents. The Esports Club was intro­duced to stu­dents on Feb. 1 and began com­pe­ti­tion on Feb. 17.

The goal of the club is to pro­vide stu­dents with a pos­i­tive social envi­ron­ment … Read more...

Quakertown musician accomplishes rare feat

Zach Polek is the first Quakertown Community High School stu­dent in more than three decades to fin­ish in first place in audi­tions as both a singer and an instru­men­tal­ist for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 11 cho­rus, band, and orchestra.

That was a shock,” said Zach, a junior

Teachers awarded student jerseys for making a difference

Before class­es began at Quakertown Community High School, sev­er­al senior student-athletes had their uni­forms ready as a one-day gift to their favorite teacher to wear or hang in their classroom.

What may become a new tra­di­tion was inspired by Kate Kemp, a social stud­ies teacher, who read about “My Jersey, Read more...

Panthers bring community together in childhood cancer fight

As he walked to mid­field for the pre-game coin toss, many things ran through the mind of John Eatherton. The Quakertown Community High School senior and foot­ball team cap­tain was hold­ing the hands of two young boys, each in the midst of a bat­tle with cancer. 

It makes you

Defining Moments: QCHS Class of 2022 embraced them and thrived!

The Quakertown Community High School com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­brat­ed more than 400 seniors as a group who embraced oppor­tu­ni­ties and per­se­vered through chal­lenges. In a packed Alumni Field on a beau­ti­ful June 8th evening, these stu­dents were rec­og­nized at the 2022 Commencement Ceremony for their sac­ri­fices through the dif­fi­cult years of COVIDRead more...

QCHS wrestlers win 6th straight Liberty Division championship

The Quakertown Community High School wrestling team won its sixth con­sec­u­tive Suburban One League Liberty Division cham­pi­onship in dom­i­nat­ing fash­ion as 11 wrestlers cap­tured indi­vid­ual crowns, eight by pin.

The guys did a heck of a job,” Coach Kurt Handel said. “This is one of the tough­est teams in Quakertown Read more...

QCHS grad set to make his mark in medicine and the military

One of Quakertown Community High School’s for­mer stu­dent lead­ers, cur­rent­ly in med­ical school, was recent­ly sworn in as an Army 2nd Lt.  Noah Wood, a 2017 QCHS grad­u­ate attend­ing Kansas City University — Joplin, will become a Captain and per­form his res­i­den­cy upon grad­u­a­tion, fol­lowed by four years of active Read more...

College Board recognizes Quakertown senior

Yelizaveta Hernandez, a Quakertown Community High School senior, has been rec­og­nized by the College Board for her aca­d­e­m­ic success.

A straight‑A stu­dent, Yelizaveta received the College Board National Hispanic Recognition Award and National Rural and Small Town Recognition Award for hav­ing a grade point aver­age above 3.5 while scor­ing in Read more...

Aiding the success of students

Jennifer Honrado knew some­thing was up when she saw a group of student-athletes walk­ing down the hall­way car­ry­ing their jer­seys. When one of them stopped in front of her, hand­ed her his blue foot­ball jer­sey, and explained the “MyJersey, Your Impact” theme, she was moved to tears.

“It meant the …

QCHS grad receives Fulbright and CLS scholarships

Robert Bryant will trav­el to Taiwan for an exten­sive eight-week course in Mandarin and then teach English to Taiwanese students.

Robert Bryant, a 2019 grad­u­ate of Quakertown Community High School, has been award­ed two dis­tin­guished schol­ar­ships as a soon-to-be grad­u­ate of Temple University. 

The first, as a CLS (Critical Language …