Grads urged to cherish each moment

The Quakertown Community High School Class of 2023 advi­sors and stu­dent offi­cers cel­e­brat­ed 383 seniors with words of wis­dom that were at times fun­ny, seri­ous, and often emo­tion­al as fam­i­lies in the packed Alumni Field stands watched and lis­tened with their hearts full and eyes watery.

The 2023 Commencement Ceremony

QCHS grad celebrates Air Force promotion on home turf

For one of the biggest days of his life, his Air Force pro­mo­tion cer­e­mo­ny, Lucas Brommer chose to share the moment with his fam­i­ly and friends in his home­town — Quakertown.

A 2003 grad­u­ate of Quakertown Community High School, Maj. Brommer became Lt. Col. Brommer in an event at the Read more...

QCSD hosts tabletop exercise

Nearly 50 peo­ple attend­ed a table­top exer­cise on August 22nd at Quakertown Community High School, one of sev­er­al steps the dis­trict has tak­en to increase safe­ty in its facil­i­ties.

Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facil­i­tat­ed the event, which sim­u­lates an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion in a … Read more...