QCHS digital design teacher named art educator of the year

Amy Migliore, Digital Design teacher at Quakertown Community High School, has been named Pennsylvania Art Education Association 2019 Secondary Art Educator of the Year.

Ms. Migliore, well known as an inno­v­a­tive edu­ca­tor and in demand as a speak­er at uni­ver­si­ty con­fer­ences, has been an art teacher in QCSD for 19 … Read more...

QCSD celebrates first MLK Day of Service

Close to 200 stu­dents packed into the Quakertown Community High School cafe­te­ria this morn­ing, lis­tened intent­ly to a dynam­ic speak­er, and then braved the bit­ter cold in var­i­ous parts of Bucks County to serve their fel­low citizens.

The district’s first Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service — fol­low­ing a … Read more...

Caps, gowns delivered as community rallies around grads

More than 400 caps, gowns and “Panther Proud” lawn signs have been deliv­ered to Quakertown Community High School seniors in what has been described as “an entire com­mu­ni­ty ral­ly­ing behind our stu­dents.”

The words belong to Principal Mattias van’t Hoenderdaal, who thanked his admin­is­tra­tive team, teach­ers, coun­selors, sup­port staff, fire … Read more...

Best Buddies Club breaks down barriers to friendships

The most pop­u­lar club at Quakertown Community High School only meets once a month for one hour, but its impact on the 180 stu­dents involved may be mea­sured by the smiles and friend­ships it’s created.

The club is called Best Buddies, and it’s ded­i­cat­ed to end­ing the social, phys­i­cal, and Read more...

2 from QCHS are Presidential Scholar candidates

Two Quakertown Community High School stu­dents have been select­ed as can­di­dates for the United States Presidential Scholars Program. The out­stand­ing seniors are Matt Catalano and Raymond Slifer, who also attends Upper Bucks County Technical School.

The two QCHS stu­dents are among more than 4,500 stu­dents invit­ed to apply for the … Read more...

Quakertown musician accomplishes rare feat

Zach Polek is the first Quakertown Community High School stu­dent in more than three decades to fin­ish in first place in audi­tions as both a singer and an instru­men­tal­ist for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 11 cho­rus, band, and orchestra.

That was a shock,” said Zach, a junior

QCHS grad receives Fulbright and CLS scholarships

Robert Bryant will trav­el to Taiwan for an exten­sive eight-week course in Mandarin and then teach English to Taiwanese students.

Robert Bryant, a 2019 grad­u­ate of Quakertown Community High School, has been award­ed two dis­tin­guished schol­ar­ships as a soon-to-be grad­u­ate of Temple University. 

The first, as a CLS (Critical Language …

QCHS wrestlers win 6th straight Liberty Division championship

The Quakertown Community High School wrestling team won its sixth con­sec­u­tive Suburban One League Liberty Division cham­pi­onship in dom­i­nat­ing fash­ion as 11 wrestlers cap­tured indi­vid­ual crowns, eight by pin.

The guys did a heck of a job,” Coach Kurt Handel said. “This is one of the tough­est teams in Quakertown Read more...

Justin Guarini’s positive message reaches Quakertown students

The American Idol and Broadway star, the school district’s Artist-In-Residence, preached con­fi­dence and a will­ing­ness to fail to ulti­mate­ly achieve suc­cess.    

From the out­set of a more than two-hour coach­ing ses­sion with Quakertown Community School District stu­dents and par­ents, Justin Guarini put every­one at ease. Headlined as an Audition Read more...

AP Boot Camp paves way for freshmen success

Though the first day of class­es in Quakertown Community School District doesn’t begin until August 30th, approx­i­mate­ly 37 incom­ing fresh­men have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in the district’s first AP Boot Camp this week. The three-day ses­sion is for stu­dents inter­est­ed in tak­ing AP Human Geography. Though only fresh­men, sev­er­al are tak­ing Read more...

Fab Lab week at Pfaff Elementary School

Students at Pfaff Elementary School have been ben­e­fit­ing this week from the cutting-edge tech­nol­o­gy of the Bucks County Intermediate Unit’s Fab Lab, designed to inspire and encour­age stu­dents to pur­sue careers in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) fields.

Pfaff’s Fab Lab work this week (Nov. 8–12), which includes stu­dents Read more...

Students serve community on MLK Day

Despite a COVID pan­dem­ic that has impact­ed their lives for near­ly two years and snow and rain that made trav­el unpleas­ant on Monday, approx­i­mate­ly 50 Quakertown Community High School stu­dents took part in the annu­al Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.

The events, orga­nized by the school’s Social Justice

Student employs his 3D printer to fight COVID-19

Though only 12 years of age, Derek Calvello has shown both an entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it and a will­ing­ness to help oth­ers.

The Strayer Middle School 7th grad­er is known for sell­ing snow­cones in his neigh­bor­hood and has gum­ball machines in sev­er­al Quakertown busi­ness­es. Last year he cre­at­ed items to sell to … Read more...

Lifetime educator Dr. Leight recognized for service to QCSD

In Dr. Robert L. Leight’s remark­able life, there hasn’t been a time he wasn’t a stu­dent or teacher, or worked to enhance the edu­ca­tion­al efforts of those who were.

Dr. Leight, a mem­ber of the Quakertown Community School Board for 27 years and found­ing mem­ber of the Quakertown Community Education … Read more...