Students serve community on MLK Day

Despite a COVID pan­dem­ic that has impact­ed their lives for near­ly two years and snow and rain that made trav­el unpleas­ant on Monday, approx­i­mate­ly 50 Quakertown Community High School stu­dents took part in the annu­al Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.

The events, orga­nized by the school’s Social Justice Alliance, includ­ed card-making for res­i­dents of nurs­ing homes, egg-filling for Quakertown’s Community Day, and the read­ing of books to young peo­ple in the school’s media center.

These kids have done an amaz­ing job to make this day a real­i­ty,” said QCHS teacher Bethany Fuller, advi­sor to the SJA. “They made the calls to set things up. It’s a huge under­tak­ing and they showed a true com­mit­ment to doing what they can to give back to the community.”

Much of the work­load was picked up by seniors Ryleigh Quinn and Leah Mestayer.

Martin Luther King Jr. stood for giv­ing back, equi­ty and empa­thy and we want to help out as much as we can,” Leah said.

Ryleigh explained that the pan­dem­ic has left many peo­ple in nurs­ing homes feel­ing iso­lat­ed. “We want to show them there are peo­ple out there still think­ing of them,” she said of the cards stu­dents are writ­ing and dec­o­rat­ing today. 

Vice Principal Kim Finnerty said she is “real­ly proud of our stu­dents who have shown a com­mit­ment to the com­mu­ni­ty and to serve on a day that they are off from school. My hat is off to Bethany Fuller. She and her stu­dents have done a won­der­ful job.”