New program empowers accelerated math students

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents are devel­op­ing incred­i­ble STEM-related projects as part of a new pro­gram called Math Extensions.

Used for the first time at Strayer Middle School and the Sixth Grade Center, accel­er­at­ed math stu­dents are able to pick a project of their own choos­ing and, col­lab­o­rat­ing Read more...

QCSD hosts tabletop exercise

Nearly 50 peo­ple attend­ed a table­top exer­cise on August 22nd at Quakertown Community High School, one of sev­er­al steps the dis­trict has tak­en to increase safe­ty in its facil­i­ties.

Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facil­i­tat­ed the event, which sim­u­lates an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion in a … Read more...

Students learn digital footprint is never erased

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents learned about their dig­i­tal foot­print and how any post they make to a social media site or any pho­to down­loaded to a cell phone can per­ma­nent­ly impact their reputation. 

Brian Hendrzak, a Richland Township Police Officer and one of two School Resource Officers Read more...

Panthers bring community together in childhood cancer fight

As he walked to mid­field for the pre-game coin toss, many things ran through the mind of John Eatherton. The Quakertown Community High School senior and foot­ball team cap­tain was hold­ing the hands of two young boys, each in the midst of a bat­tle with cancer. 

It makes you

QCSD welcomes new Superintendent

Dr. Matthew Friedman, a high­ly respect­ed edu­ca­tion­al leader in dis­tricts in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, was sworn in as the next super­in­ten­dent of the Quakertown Community School District on Wednesday, July 5.

President Judge Wallace H. Bateman Jr. admin­is­tered the Oath of Office to Dr. Friedman, who shared the excit­ing Read more...

Teachers exhibit varied paths to education careers

Four Quakertown Community School District teach­ers from var­ied back­grounds explained to QCHS stu­dents how their career paths pulled them in dif­fer­ent direc­tions before they land­ed in the field of education.

Kurt Amen, Jeanne Caputo, Tyler Kitchenman, and Tracey Sieger gave “The New Teacher Perspective” as part of the school’s Career Read more...

Safety at heart of QCSD agreement with BusPatrol

The Quakertown Community School District has entered into an agree­ment ded­i­cat­ed to stu­dent trans­porta­tion safe­ty with BusPatrol, which is equip­ping Levy School Buses with stop-arm enforce­ment cam­eras to deter dri­vers from ille­gal­ly pass­ing stopped school buses.

BusPatrol’s cam­era sys­tem is posi­tioned to cap­ture vehi­cles that pass a school bus while Read more...

Aiding the success of students

Jennifer Honrado knew some­thing was up when she saw a group of student-athletes walk­ing down the hall­way car­ry­ing their jer­seys. When one of them stopped in front of her, hand­ed her his blue foot­ball jer­sey, and explained the “MyJersey, Your Impact” theme, she was moved to tears.

“It meant the …

Grads urged to cherish each moment

The Quakertown Community High School Class of 2023 advi­sors and stu­dent offi­cers cel­e­brat­ed 383 seniors with words of wis­dom that were at times fun­ny, seri­ous, and often emo­tion­al as fam­i­lies in the packed Alumni Field stands watched and lis­tened with their hearts full and eyes watery.

The 2023 Commencement Ceremony

QCHS holds job fair for students, community

Quakertown Community High School stu­dents and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet with local busi­ness­es at the school’s first Job and Career Fair. Monday’s event gave stu­dents the chance to vis­it prospec­tive employ­ers dur­ing the school day. After dis­missal, adults were invit­ed in for the same opportunity.


Justin Guarini’s positive message reaches Quakertown students

The American Idol and Broadway star, the school district’s Artist-In-Residence, preached con­fi­dence and a will­ing­ness to fail to ulti­mate­ly achieve suc­cess.    

From the out­set of a more than two-hour coach­ing ses­sion with Quakertown Community School District stu­dents and par­ents, Justin Guarini put every­one at ease. Headlined as an Audition Read more...

QE receives special vending machine — for books

Students reward­ed for pos­i­tive behav­ior will earn PRIDE coins to stock their home library.

A spe­cial piece of equip­ment was recent­ly unveiled at Quakertown Elementary School that could have a pos­i­tive impact on read­ing and behav­ior.  A book vend­ing machine was pur­chased with the help of the Quakertown Community Education Read more...

What’s for lunch? Students have a say

With the con­tract of its food ser­vices provider con­clud­ing on June 30, the Quakertown Community School District came up with a rather unique way to see who would be serv­ing stu­dent break­fasts and lunch­es in the future.

During the week of May 8, three con­trac­tors each had one day to … Read more...