QCSD hosts tabletop exercise

Nearly 50 peo­ple attend­ed a table­top exer­cise on August 22nd at Quakertown Community High School, one of sev­er­al steps the dis­trict has tak­en to increase safe­ty in its facil­i­ties.

Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facil­i­tat­ed the event, which sim­u­lates an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion in a … Read more...

Neidig students star in Bucks County STEM Challenge

A group of Neidig Elementary School fifth-graders fin­ished sec­ond among 47 teams at the 2021 STEM Design Challenge at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit. Neidig entered three teams into the com­pe­ti­tion and two reached the semifinals.

We are so proud of our Neidig lead­ers’ work with the STEM projects,” Read more...