Defining Moments: QCHS Class of 2022 embraced them and thrived!

The Quakertown Community High School com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­brat­ed more than 400 seniors as a group who embraced oppor­tu­ni­ties and per­se­vered through chal­lenges. In a packed Alumni Field on a beau­ti­ful June 8th evening, these stu­dents were rec­og­nized at the 2022 Commencement Ceremony for their sac­ri­fices through the dif­fi­cult years of COVIDRead more...

Grads urged to cherish each moment

The Quakertown Community High School Class of 2023 advi­sors and stu­dent offi­cers cel­e­brat­ed 383 seniors with words of wis­dom that were at times fun­ny, seri­ous, and often emo­tion­al as fam­i­lies in the packed Alumni Field stands watched and lis­tened with their hearts full and eyes watery.

The 2023 Commencement Ceremony