New program empowers accelerated math students

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents are devel­op­ing incred­i­ble STEM-related projects as part of a new pro­gram called Math Extensions.

Used for the first time at Strayer Middle School and the Sixth Grade Center, accel­er­at­ed math stu­dents are able to pick a project of their own choos­ing and, col­lab­o­rat­ing Read more...

Students learn digital footprint is never erased

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents learned about their dig­i­tal foot­print and how any post they make to a social media site or any pho­to down­loaded to a cell phone can per­ma­nent­ly impact their reputation. 

Brian Hendrzak, a Richland Township Police Officer and one of two School Resource Officers Read more...