What’s for lunch? Students have a say

With the con­tract of its food ser­vices provider con­clud­ing on June 30, the Quakertown Community School District came up with a rather unique way to see who would be serv­ing stu­dent break­fasts and lunch­es in the future.

During the week of May 8, three con­trac­tors each had one day to … Read more...

Justin Guarini’s positive message reaches Quakertown students

The American Idol and Broadway star, the school district’s Artist-In-Residence, preached con­fi­dence and a will­ing­ness to fail to ulti­mate­ly achieve suc­cess.    

From the out­set of a more than two-hour coach­ing ses­sion with Quakertown Community School District stu­dents and par­ents, Justin Guarini put every­one at ease. Headlined as an Audition Read more...

Panthers bring community together in childhood cancer fight

As he walked to mid­field for the pre-game coin toss, many things ran through the mind of John Eatherton. The Quakertown Community High School senior and foot­ball team cap­tain was hold­ing the hands of two young boys, each in the midst of a bat­tle with cancer. 

It makes you

QCHS has FBLA state champion

Avadar Brownlee of Quakertown Community High School won the state’s Future Business Leaders America state com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fied for nation­als. Her tri­umph came in the Human Resources Management com­pe­ti­tion.

“Avadar did a phe­nom­e­nal job and I couldn’t be more proud of her accom­plish­ment,” said Sandi Frisch, the fac­ul­ty advi­sor to … Read more...

QCSD hosts tabletop exercise

Nearly 50 peo­ple attend­ed a table­top exer­cise on August 22nd at Quakertown Community High School, one of sev­er­al steps the dis­trict has tak­en to increase safe­ty in its facil­i­ties.

Kasey Kollar, Chief of Operations at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, facil­i­tat­ed the event, which sim­u­lates an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion in a … Read more...

Best Buddies Club breaks down barriers to friendships

The most pop­u­lar club at Quakertown Community High School only meets once a month for one hour, but its impact on the 180 stu­dents involved may be mea­sured by the smiles and friend­ships it’s created.

The club is called Best Buddies, and it’s ded­i­cat­ed to end­ing the social, phys­i­cal, and Read more...

Aiding the success of students

Jennifer Honrado knew some­thing was up when she saw a group of student-athletes walk­ing down the hall­way car­ry­ing their jer­seys. When one of them stopped in front of her, hand­ed her his blue foot­ball jer­sey, and explained the “MyJersey, Your Impact” theme, she was moved to tears.

“It meant the …

QCSD welcomes new Superintendent

Dr. Matthew Friedman, a high­ly respect­ed edu­ca­tion­al leader in dis­tricts in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, was sworn in as the next super­in­ten­dent of the Quakertown Community School District on Wednesday, July 5.

President Judge Wallace H. Bateman Jr. admin­is­tered the Oath of Office to Dr. Friedman, who shared the excit­ing Read more...

Safety at heart of QCSD agreement with BusPatrol

The Quakertown Community School District has entered into an agree­ment ded­i­cat­ed to stu­dent trans­porta­tion safe­ty with BusPatrol, which is equip­ping Levy School Buses with stop-arm enforce­ment cam­eras to deter dri­vers from ille­gal­ly pass­ing stopped school buses.

BusPatrol’s cam­era sys­tem is posi­tioned to cap­ture vehi­cles that pass a school bus while Read more...

Students’ Wawa behavior draws rave reviews

Quakertown par­ents, ya done good!

A busi­ness thought so much of your children’s polite and respect­ful behav­ior they’re throw­ing them a par­ty. The hon­or is being giv­en to approx­i­mate­ly two dozen stu­dents who attend Quakertown Community High School and were part of the Student Section for Friday night foot­ball games. Following Read more...

Students serve community on MLK Day

Despite a COVID pan­dem­ic that has impact­ed their lives for near­ly two years and snow and rain that made trav­el unpleas­ant on Monday, approx­i­mate­ly 50 Quakertown Community High School stu­dents took part in the annu­al Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.

The events, orga­nized by the school’s Social Justice

Teachers exhibit varied paths to education careers

Four Quakertown Community School District teach­ers from var­ied back­grounds explained to QCHS stu­dents how their career paths pulled them in dif­fer­ent direc­tions before they land­ed in the field of education.

Kurt Amen, Jeanne Caputo, Tyler Kitchenman, and Tracey Sieger gave “The New Teacher Perspective” as part of the school’s Career Read more...