QCHS kicks off Esports Club

Quakertown Community High School is adding one of the nation’s fastest-growing clubs to its wide array of activ­i­ties for stu­dents. The Esports Club was intro­duced to stu­dents on Feb. 1 and began com­pe­ti­tion on Feb. 17.

The goal of the club is to pro­vide stu­dents with a pos­i­tive social envi­ron­ment … Read more...

Each QCSD first grader receives new book as summer prize

All first graders in the Quakertown Community School District went home for sum­mer vaca­tion with a new book to read, com­pli­ments of the Quakertown Community Education Foundation.

The $3,000 project allowed the school dis­trict to give out 400 books to encour­age the young stu­dents to read over the near­ly three-month Read more...

State Senate committee holds school safety hearing in Quakertown

The Quakertown Community School District is quick­ly becom­ing the epi­cen­ter for dis­cus­sion on school safety.

Just hours after the dis­trict held the ini­tial meet­ing of its Community School Safety Committee, the state’s Senate Majority Policy Committee vis­it­ed Quakertown Friday morn­ing to review school safe­ty efforts with stu­dents and school, law Read more...

When it comes to art, this QCHS senior is tops

No mat­ter the art assign­ment, there’s a good chance that if Kenzie Sawadski is involved, her cre­ation will stand out.

Just ask her art teach­ers. “She’s incred­i­bly moti­vat­ed and tal­ent­ed,” said Laura Christine of Quakertown Community High School. “Kenzie is extreme­ly con­sci­en­tious and is a very hard work­er.”

Kate Fetterolf …

Veterans Day message to students: ‘You are the best and the brightest, and we look forward to you taking that baton’

Speaking to hun­dreds of mid­dle school stu­dents, Navy Rear Admiral Linda Wackerman made it clear that a career in the mil­i­tary is some­thing wor­thy of con­sid­er­a­tion. “There’s some­thing in it for each and every one of you,” she said. “We would love to have you. You are the best and Read more...

Dr. Harner honored for global engagement in education

Quakertown Community School District Superintendent Dr. Bill Harner is a recip­i­ent of the Torch of Global Enlightenment Award for 2020, award­ed by the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg.

The announce­ment was made by Joyce M. Davis, pres­i­dent and chief exec­u­tive offi­cer of the orga­ni­za­tion which hon­ors indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions … Read more...

QCHS grad set to make his mark in medicine and the military

One of Quakertown Community High School’s for­mer stu­dent lead­ers, cur­rent­ly in med­ical school, was recent­ly sworn in as an Army 2nd Lt.  Noah Wood, a 2017 QCHS grad­u­ate attend­ing Kansas City University — Joplin, will become a Captain and per­form his res­i­den­cy upon grad­u­a­tion, fol­lowed by four years of active Read more...

New program empowers accelerated math students

Quakertown Community School District mid­dle school stu­dents are devel­op­ing incred­i­ble STEM-related projects as part of a new pro­gram called Math Extensions.

Used for the first time at Strayer Middle School and the Sixth Grade Center, accel­er­at­ed math stu­dents are able to pick a project of their own choos­ing and, col­lab­o­rat­ing Read more...

The consummate team player,’ Quakertown teacher called to Moravian Hall of Fame

A Quakertown Community School District teacher, who made life mis­er­able for quar­ter­backs as a col­lege defen­sive end, has been induct­ed into the Moravian Athletic Hall of Fame.

Dominick Cusumano, sec­ond in Moravian College his­to­ry with 27 sacks, was offi­cial­ly induct­ed on Nov. 9. “I’m just so proud and excit­ed,” said Mr. Read more...

Virtual College Fair goes off without a hitch

One hun­dred twenty-eight Quakertown Community High School stu­dents vir­tu­al­ly vis­it­ed with 18 col­leges on April 22, an event that replaced the tra­di­tion­al College Fair held in the gym­na­si­um.

“This was def­i­nite­ly new ter­ri­to­ry but the tech­nol­o­gy held up and the stu­dents pre­sent­ed them­selves very well,” said coun­selor Eric Gozzard, who … Read more...

AP Boot Camp paves way for freshmen success

Though the first day of class­es in Quakertown Community School District doesn’t begin until August 30th, approx­i­mate­ly 37 incom­ing fresh­men have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in the district’s first AP Boot Camp this week. The three-day ses­sion is for stu­dents inter­est­ed in tak­ing AP Human Geography. Though only fresh­men, sev­er­al are tak­ing Read more...