A Different Kind of Summer Camp at the Fab Lab Center

When peo­ple think ‘sum­mer camp’ they think out­door sports and activ­i­ties, swim­ming, tents, and camp­fires. However, the great out­doors isn’t the ide­al sum­mer expe­ri­ence for every­one. The Fab Lab Center is offer­ing 10 dif­fer­ent sum­mer camp themes that include all the fun, friends, and FABulous mem­o­ries of tra­di­tion­al sum­mer camps … Read more...

The 2020 Academic Oversight Committee’s No-Go Bristol Fall Classic Raffle a Success!

Bristol Borough — The 2020 Academic Oversight Committee’s No-Go Bristol Fall Classic Raffle turned out to be the Way to Go, Bristol Borough! 418 raf­fle tick­ets were sold, enabling the fund­ing of aca­d­e­m­ic enrich­ment pro­grams for Bristol Borough pub­lic and parochial schools to con­tin­ue this year.
Winning tick­et hold­ers drawn …

Biography Bash Held at Walt Disney Elementary

Third grade stu­dents held their annu­al “Biography Bash” at Pennsbury’s Walt Disney Elementary School in the spring of 2019. “This is a two-part project that involves in-classroom research and a project to work on at home,” explained teacher, Jess Holzerman. “Students arrived dressed as famous peo­ple, ready to embody … Read more...

Pennsbury Names Partners of the Year

The Pennsbury Partners Program cel­e­brat­ed its 20th annu­al part­ner­ship recog­ni­tion event on April 30, 2019 at William Penn Middle School.  As in pre­vi­ous years, awards were pre­sent­ed to one out­stand­ing busi­ness part­ner and one out­stand­ing non-profit part­ner of the year.  The 2019 cel­e­bra­tion also fea­tured musi­cal enter­tain­ment by … Read more...

Bucks IU Celebrates our Caring Community Awards

Each year, the Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) rec­og­nizes indi­vid­u­als who have made an extra­or­di­nary con­tri­bu­tion of sup­port and assis­tance to Bucks IU pro­grams and stu­dents with a Caring Community Award and celebration.

All Caring Community award win­ners were deliv­ered a per­son­al­ized award cer­tifi­cate by their nom­i­nee along … Read more...

Even During a Pandemic, Students Flourish in Clubs and Activities

Open for face to face and online learn­ing since the begin­ning of the school year (August 31st), Palisades stu­dents, fam­i­lies, and staff have been work­ing dili­gent­ly to mit­i­gate the spread of COVID-19 in our com­mu­ni­ty, to keep schools open and allow face to face and online pro­grams (K‑12) to flour­ish Read more...

Sunset Challenge promotes healthy life choices

Nearly 500 run­ners par­tic­i­pat­ed in the first annu­al #StandUp Neshaminy Sunset Challenge 2K / 5K race held at Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne on May 10. The race drew stu­dents from every District school, their fam­i­lies, and run­ners from the com­mu­ni­ty who com­pet­ed on a 2K course stayed on … Read more...

Temple art show pairs teachers, students

Herbert Hoover ES art teacher Justin Bursk and Neshaminy High School art teacher Terry O’Neill were both accept­ed into the Artists as Educators exhi­bi­tion at Tyler School of Art, Temple University. This exhib­it pairs an art educator’s art­work with the art­work of their stu­dents. The goal is to pair stu­dents … Read more...

Central Bucks West Student’s Winning Essay Examines Struggles of Women in India

When Central Bucks West sopho­more Esha Gadi read the instruc­tions for the 2022 India Philanthropy Alliance Youth Essay Competition about address­ing a prob­lem beset­ting India, her mind imme­di­ate­ly went to her mom.

Growing up in India, Gadi’s moth­er want­ed to be a vet­eri­nar­i­an, want­ed to have the type of oppor­tu­ni­ties as … Read more...

The Students of the Bucks IU at Samuel Everitt Honor Their 5th Annual ‘Stockings for Soldiers’ Program by Completing 1,400 Stockings!

In the midst of a pan­dem­ic, with schools try­ing to oper­ate nor­mal­ly while deal­ing with chang­ing health guide­lines and sched­ule mod­i­fi­ca­tions, the stu­dents of the Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) at Samuel Everitt were deter­mined to per­se­vere and still hold their 5th Annual Stockings for Soldiers pro­gram … Read more...

Neshaminy Performs Together…Even When Apart

The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic may have put the brakes on spring con­certs, but the music teach­ers and stu­dent per­form­ers did­n’t let that stop them from join­ing in song even though they were apart.

Several schools host­ed vir­tu­al recitals that includ­ed dozens or even hun­dreds of par­tic­i­pants in Zoom meet­ings lis­ten­ing to their … Read more...

BTSD Tech Team Heroes

Kudos to the BTSD tech team as they san­i­tize, pre­pare, bar­code and deploy thou­sands of devices to our stu­dents. What does is take to get a Chromebook in the hands of a BTSD stu­dent? Devices are retrieved from a build­ing, a diag­nos­tics soft­ware check, a hard­ware review. san­i­tize, bar­code and … Read more...