CSD’s COVID‑5 Daily Screening Tool

Along with the fac­ul­ty and staff, the nurs­es of the Centennial School District are look­ing for­ward to and prepar­ing for the stu­dents to return to school. We are mak­ing it our top pri­or­i­ty, as always, to keep our stu­dents and staff safe. 

We need every­one’s help to make this hap­pen. We … Read more...

Unified Track & Field at William Tennent

The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools pro­gram is aimed at pro­mot­ing social inclu­sion through inten­tion­al­ly planned and imple­ment­ed activ­i­ties affect­ing systems-wide change. With sports as the foun­da­tion, the three-component mod­el offers a unique com­bi­na­tion of effec­tive activ­i­ties that equip young peo­ple with the tools and train­ing to cre­ate sports, class­rooms, … Read more...

January is School Director Recognition Month

January is School Director Recognition Month. In Centennial, we are for­tu­nate to have a School Board who demon­strates a strong com­mit­ment to our stu­dents and our com­mu­ni­ty. Below, is a res­o­lu­tion devel­oped by Pennsylvania School Board Association, unan­i­mous­ly approved July 18, 1985 and Reaffirmed December 2, 2019, that pro­claims January … Read more...

William Tennent Student Competes in U.S. Synchronized Figure Skating Championships

Caraline Herman, a stu­dent at William Tennent High School, is in her first sea­son with the Team Image Junior team. Caraline’s team came in sixth dur­ing the junior event at the 2019 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships. Based on the virtue of the team’s suc­cess­es over the course of this sea­son … Read more...

Centennial’s Apollo 11 50th Anniversary at The Fuge

The Centennial School District, in part­ner­ship with the Centennial Education Foundation and The Fuge, cel­e­brat­ed the fifth anniver­sary of the Apollo 11 mis­sion to the moon on July 20, 2019.  William Tennent High School stu­dent interns from the class of 2019 orga­nized with event with staff from each of the three orga­ni­za­tions.   The … Read more...

William Tennent Placed on the College Board’s 9th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for Significant Gains in Student Access and Success

William Tennent High School is one of 373 school dis­tricts in the U.S. and Canada being hon­ored by the College Board with place­ment on the 9th Annual AP® District Honor Roll. To be includ­ed on the 9th Annual Honor Roll, Centennial School District had to, since 2016, increase the … Read more...