January is School Director Recognition Month. In Centennial, we are fortunate to have a School Board who demonstrates a strong commitment to our students and our community. Below, is a resolution developed by Pennsylvania School Board Association, unanimously approved July 18, 1985 and Reaffirmed December 2, 2019, that proclaims January as School Director Recognition Month in Pennsylvania:
WHEREAS, the role of locally elected school officials has served the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and local communities in meeting the needs of public education since the passage of the Free School Act in 1834; and
WHEREAS, these local boards have discharged their responsibilities to public education in a manner which has placed public education in the forefront of our educational systems; and
WHEREAS, locally elected officials have distinguished themselves and their communities in this unpaid, volunteer public service commitment; and
WHEREAS, the contributions of these men and women should be recognized and appreciated by those who benefit from the workings of our public school system;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association hereby proclaims the month of January as School Director Recognition Month in this commonwealth; and
FURTHER RESOLVE that this proclamation be communicated to all school districts, school officials and local communities in a planned program which brings visibility and awareness of the role of locally elected school officials to the citizenry of this commonwealth. On behalf of the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students, thank you for all you do!