Unified Track & Field at William Tennent

The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools pro­gram is aimed at pro­mot­ing social inclu­sion through inten­tion­al­ly planned and imple­ment­ed activ­i­ties affect­ing systems-wide change. With sports as the foun­da­tion, the three-component mod­el offers a unique com­bi­na­tion of effec­tive activ­i­ties that equip young peo­ple with the tools and train­ing to cre­ate sports, class­rooms, and school cli­mates of accep­tance. These are school cli­mates where stu­dents with dis­abil­i­ties feel wel­come and are rou­tine­ly includ­ed in, and feel a part of, all activ­i­ties, oppor­tu­ni­ties and functions.

Here at William Tennent, we offer Unified Track dur­ing the PIAA Spring sea­son. Next school year, we will also offer Unified Bocce in the PIAA Winter season.