CSD’s COVID‑5 Daily Screening Tool

Along with the fac­ul­ty and staff, the nurs­es of the Centennial School District are look­ing for­ward to and prepar­ing for the stu­dents to return to school. We are mak­ing it our top pri­or­i­ty, as always, to keep our stu­dents and staff safe. 

We need every­one’s help to make this hap­pen. We want to work togeth­er and keep lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion open between home and school. We are intro­duc­ing every­one to our dai­ly screen­ing tool called the “COVID 5″. As part of the district’s Health and Safety Plan, we need all par­ents to screen their chil­dren for symp­toms every morn­ing, includ­ing tak­ing their child’s tem­per­a­ture, so our bus­es and build­ings remain safe spaces. 

The video below cov­ers the top five symp­toms we are focus­ing on at this time. If the answer is “yes” to any of the ques­tions, the child would stay home that day. This screen­ing tool is also the same for staff. If a staff mem­ber answers “yes” they would not report to work. 

We look for­ward to see­ing every­one’s chil­dren in per­son. Our nurs­es have been in our build­ings since September 1st so feel free to reach out to them via phone or email. Communication regard­ing your child’s health is always cru­cial; this year is no dif­fer­ent. We feel it is the basis for our suc­cess. We look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er to make this a great school year.