Centennial’s Apollo 11 50th Anniversary at The Fuge

The Centennial School District, in part­ner­ship with the Centennial Education Foundation and The Fuge, cel­e­brat­ed the fifth anniver­sary of the Apollo 11 mis­sion to the moon on July 20, 2019.  William Tennent High School stu­dent interns from the class of 2019 orga­nized with event with staff from each of the three orga­ni­za­tions.   The event was both an edu­ca­tion­al ret­ro­spec­tive into the his­to­ry of the Naval Air Development Center’s role with NASA in train­ing Astronauts Neil Armstrong and John Glenn, among oth­ers.  Located in Warminster, Pennsylvania, NADC was a train­ing cen­ter and research cen­ter was an impor­tant site for the Mercury Project, which led to human space­flight, as well as oth­er aero­space tech­nolo­gies.  The Fuge, in its for­mer days, was a train­ing cen­ter for astro­nauts and pilots.   The cen­trifuge was used to sim­u­late the G‑forces astro­nauts and pilots would expe­ri­ence in flight. 


The Apollo 11 event includ­ed sta­t­ic dis­plays and arti­facts from the mis­sion as well as guest speak­ers who com­mem­o­rat­ed their roles with NADC.   With the help of spon­sors, the stu­dentswere able to keep this impor­tant part of Warminster’s his­to­ry alive.