The Empty Bowl Project

The Empty Bowls Project is a grass­roots effort to bring aware­ness to hunger and food inse­cu­ri­ty. Students and art teach­ers from across Centennial School District craft­ed one of a kind bowls to raise mon­ey in sup­port of the food pantry housed in McDonald Elementary School.

Our artists eager­ly cre­at­ed these bowls dur­ing their recess time, and some vol­un­teered to stay after school. Students imprint­ed var­i­ous tex­tures, leaves, rocks, and oth­er items onto clay and then placed the slab of clay over bal­loons and bowls to give them shape. Younger stu­dents helped add the col­or to some of the bowls using fin­ger and thumb prints dipped in glaze. The results of these bowls result­ed in bright col­or­ful “con­fet­ti” pat­terns on the out­side of the bowls. The bowls were fired, glazed and fired once more.

The goal of this project was to ensure we were bring­ing aware­ness to hunger and to under­stand the dif­fer­ence we can make in our com­mu­ni­ty to erad­i­cate hunger. For each mon­e­tary dona­tion received, our gra­cious donors select­ed a beau­ti­ful­ly hand­craft­ed bowl as a reminder of the food inse­cu­ri­ty that exists in our community.

This was an awe­some col­lab­o­ra­tive effort. The stu­dents also learned valu­able lessons in com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice. They learned many hands make light work and it is impor­tant to give back and to always spread kind­ness and love to those in need.