Computational Thinking at BTSD

Bristol Township School District teach­ers par­tic­i­pat­ed in CTiA (Computational Thinking in Action) train­ing. The train­ing was pro­vid­ed by the University of Pennsylvania’s GSE EXACT pro­gram in con­junc­tion with the Bucks County Intermediate Unit. This project was fund­ed by Governor Wolf’s PASmart Advancing Grant.  The PASmart Grant is intend­ed to increase … Read more...

Bristol Township School District Focus on Social Emotional Learning

         Bristol Township School District is focus­ing on Social Emotional Learning and devel­op­ment. This school year start­ed with inten­sive pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment for BTSD teach­ers for Responsive Classroom and Trauma Informed Instruction. Teachers and admin­is­tra­tors par­tic­i­pat­ed in inter­ac­tive work­shops and dis­cus­sion. The train­ing pro­vid­ed the District with a Read more...

DOW Scientists Form Panel for Keystone Elementary Student Projects

DOW Scientists vol­un­teered to form an advi­so­ry pan­el for Keystone Elementary 5th graders. Ms. Jahani’s class is com­pet­ing in the We are Innovators Project Based Learning Competition. Students research real world prob­lems and solu­tions. Students pre­sent­ed their projects as DOW sci­en­tists pro­vid­ed feedback.… Read more...

Bristol Township School District Student Speaks out for Equity

Bristol Township School District is part­ner­ing with Bristol Cares Coalition for com­mu­ni­ty out­reach. The lat­est project was a Town Hall on Equity, Race and Racism. Truman High School Junior, Dahlia Gumaa sat on a dis­tin­guished pan­el of Civil Rights com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers. Dahlia has par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al Black Lives Matters events. … Read more...

Bristol Township School District Armstrong MS Hour of Code

This past Wednesday was Armstrong Middle School’s 2020 Hour Of Code. Students were giv­en the option of choos­ing from 23 hour-long ses­sions that were run con­cur­rent­ly three times for each grade lev­el. The ses­sions were run by the Tiger Techs and stu­dents from the Armstrong News Network. Students who com­plet­ed … Read more...

FDR Students Pilot Drones

ASU rep­re­sen­ta­tives, Kimberly Reynolds and Nicholas Matula vis­it­ed FDR to sup­port edu­ca­tors in using tech­nol­o­gy with­in their con­tent areas. While vis­it­ing, the rep­re­sen­ta­tives also met with teach­ers to pro­vide train­ing with 3D print­ers and VR/AR. They helped the Tiger Techs hone their skills with the 3D print­ers … Read more...

Bristol Township School District Priority Focus on Social Emotional Learning

Bristol Township School District is focus­ing on Social Emotional Learning and devel­op­ment. This school year start­ed with inten­sive pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment for BTSD teach­ers for Responsive Classroom and Trauma informed instruc­tion. Teachers and admin­is­tra­tors par­tic­i­pat­ed in inter­ac­tive work­shops and dis­cus­sion. The train­ing pro­vid­ed the District with a com­mon lan­guage and strat­e­gy … Read more...

Bristol Township School District’s Keystone Elementary Encounters with DOW Scientists

DOW Chemical sci­en­tists vis­it­ed Keystone Elementary to share their career paths with stu­dents. Students were excit­ed to ask ques­tions and do an exper­i­ment with the lead­er­ship team from DOW. There was smiles and laugh­ter as the stu­dents dis­cov­ered the chem­i­cal prop­er­ties of arti­fi­cial snow and “goo.” Scientists shared how … Read more...

BTSD Tech Team Heroes

Kudos to the BTSD tech team as they san­i­tize, pre­pare, bar­code and deploy thou­sands of devices to our stu­dents. What does is take to get a Chromebook in the hands of a BTSD stu­dent? Devices are retrieved from a build­ing, a diag­nos­tics soft­ware check, a hard­ware review. san­i­tize, bar­code and … Read more...

Armstrong Middle School Students Are Future Ready!

What is it like to be a heavy equip­ment oper­a­tor? Armstrong Middle School stu­dents found out cour­tesy of Meyer Construction’s aug­ment­ed real­i­ty truck. 

Students were guid­ed through sim­u­la­tions of equip­ment oper­a­tion. Students were enthralled by the expe­ri­ence. Bristol Township School District strives to part­ner with indus­try to pre­pare stu­dents for the Read more...

Bristol Township School District Tiger Talk Podcast

Truman High School Senior, Josh Rosenthal, is intern­ing for Communications Solutions this year. As a part of his intern­ship, he is devel­op­ing and host­ing, Tiger Talk, a month­ly pod­cast on Spotify.  Josh talks with admin­is­tra­tors, teach­ers and stu­dents about trend­ing top­ics in the dis­trict.  Josh is gain­ing valu­able work expe­ri­ence Read more...

Bristol Township School District STEM Forward

        The Hour of Code is a glob­al event occur­ring this year from December 9th-15th. Computers are every­where, chang­ing every indus­try on the plan­et, but few­er than half of all schools teach com­put­er sci­ence. Girls and minori­ties are under­rep­re­sent­ed in com­put­er sci­ence class­es, and in the tech Read more...