Computational Thinking at BTSD

Bristol Township School District teach­ers par­tic­i­pat­ed in CTiA (Computational Thinking in Action) train­ing. The train­ing was pro­vid­ed by the University of Pennsylvania’s GSE EXACT pro­gram in con­junc­tion with the Bucks County Intermediate Unit. This project was fund­ed by Governor Wolf’s PASmart Advancing Grant.  The PASmart Grant is intend­ed to increase oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents in Computer Science. Computational think­ing is a method of prob­lem solv­ing that can be applied across dis­ci­plines. BTSD teach­ers are cre­at­ing a Computer Science Course, mul­ti dis­ci­pline les­son plans and a Computer Science after school activ­i­ty. The Middle Schools  offer robot­ics, cod­ing and oth­er STEM relat­ed cours­es and after school activ­i­ties. CTiA will allow the schools to expand their offerings.