Bristol Middle/Senior High School Is AVID Strong

Bristol High School is begin­ning it’s sec­ond year of AVID imple­men­ta­tion.  What is “AVID”? AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and is a pro­gram for “mid­dle to upper mid­dle” aca­d­e­m­ic stu­dents. These stu­dents have the poten­tial for hon­ors and AP® work in high school but can … Read more...

Sailing Aboard the AJ Meerwald

Seventh graders at Bristol Middle School set sail aboard the A.J. Meerwald, New Jersey’s offi­cial “Tall Ship,” as part of their sci­ence cur­ricu­lum.  The pro­gram ties envi­ron­men­tal lessons with the his­to­ry of the Delaware River.  Students climb aboard the 1928 oys­ter schooner and learn about the human impact on the … Read more...

The 2020 Academic Oversight Committee’s No-Go Bristol Fall Classic Raffle a Success!

Bristol Borough — The 2020 Academic Oversight Committee’s No-Go Bristol Fall Classic Raffle turned out to be the Way to Go, Bristol Borough! 418 raf­fle tick­ets were sold, enabling the fund­ing of aca­d­e­m­ic enrich­ment pro­grams for Bristol Borough pub­lic and parochial schools to con­tin­ue this year.
Winning tick­et hold­ers drawn …

AP Chemistry Students Publish Research Findings

Over 100 chem­istry stu­dents from through­out the Delaware Valley gath­ered at Temple University to share the results of their research at a “poster ses­sion.” The researchers ranged from high school stu­dents through recent Ph.D. grad­u­ates. The Bristol High School AP class won the third-place prize in the high school lev­el … Read more...

NASA Cyber Visit to Snyder-Girotti Elementary School

On December 6th, Snyder-Girotti Elementary School was one of twen­ty schools select­ed from a nation­wide pool of appli­cants to inter­act in a live

broad­cast with NASA. Always excit­ed to expose and teach young minds about space and space explo­ration, the NASA broad­cast­ers want­ed to explain a new type of space … Read more...

BBSD Garden Project

Bristol Middle-Senior High School is in its 5th year of gar­den­ing. Initially, the pro­gram began by re-purposing unused class­rooms into green­hous­es and build­ing ver­ti­cal hydro­pon­ic sys­tems. The unused court­yard was con­vert­ed into a ful­ly func­tion­al school and com­mu­ni­ty gar­den which includes raised beds, con­tain­ers, green walls, ver­ti­cal struc­tures, and a … Read more...

Bristol High School’s Mock Trial Team Takes the Courtroom Floor

For almost 30 years, Bristol High School has pro­vid­ed stu­dents with first­hand expe­ri­ence of the judi­cial sys­tem in the United States. This year, the team –com­prised of most­ly under­class­men– were ready as the The Young Lawyers Division of the Pennsylvania Bar Associations spon­sored its 35th year of mock tri­al com­pe­ti­tion … Read more...

Reflecting on Constitution Day and the 19th Amendment

Constitution Day, cel­e­brat­ed Sept 17th, com­mem­o­rates the for­ma­tion and the sign­ing of the U.S. Constitution. This year also marks the 100th anniver­sary of the pas­sage of the 19th Amendment, which pro­vides men and women with equal vot­ing rights. The amend­ment states that the right of cit­i­zens to vote “shall not … Read more...

Bristol Senior High School History and Culture Camp

Students from Bristol High School had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend a one week “History and Culture Camp” spon­sored by the 21st CCLC and the AOC (Academic Oversight Committee). The camp, held the sec­ond week of July, has a mis­sion to expose stu­dents to var­i­ous sights around Bucks County and Philadelphia … Read more...

Snyder-Girotti Elementary Hosts 1st Annual Wellness Fair

Physical health and men­tal well­ness is one of the focus areas of Bristol Borough’s “All Our Children” pro­gram, a project of the Academic Oversight Committee (AOC) of Bristol Borough’s 21st Century Learning Center. As a kick off to this ini­tia­tive, the AOC and Bristol Borough School District spon­sored … Read more...

Bristol Borough Students Immersed in History

On Tuesday, November 20, sixth graders from Snyder-Girotti Elementary School par­tic­i­pat­ed on a walk­ing tour of Bristol Borough using the “Tour Bristol” pod­cast, cre­at­ed by the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation. The ques­tions from the walk­ing tour were devel­oped by their Social Studies Teacher, Mr. James Esposito. Students were able … Read more...

Bristol High School Chemistry Students and Nobel Prize Winner Roald Hoffmann

Not many teens have the chance to attend a lec­ture giv­en by a Nobel prize win­ner, but Bristol High School AP chem­istry stu­dents had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do just that. Students attend­ed the Ullyot Public Affairs Lecture “The Same and Not the Same: The Many Faces of Diversity in Science … Read more...