Bristol Borough Students Immersed in History

On Tuesday, November 20, sixth graders from Snyder-Girotti Elementary School par­tic­i­pat­ed on a walk­ing tour of Bristol Borough using the “Tour Bristol” pod­cast, cre­at­ed by the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation. The ques­tions from the walk­ing tour were devel­oped by their Social Studies Teacher, Mr. James Esposito. Students were able to use the tour to get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the local geog­ra­phy and his­to­ry of their town. “The walk­ing tour pod­cast allows stu­dents to real­ly get a feel for the his­to­ry of our town and how the town has changed over the last 337 years. Since the course of study in sixth grade is Geography, the walk­ing tour allows me to show the stu­dents how geog­ra­phy plays a major role in our town’s his­to­ry,” said Mr. Esposito, a teacher in the dis­trict for sev­en­teen years. 6 students taking notes while standing in front of circular stone monument

Esposito says the the entire tour takes about two hours to complete.“Afterwards, we meet in small groups and dis­cuss some of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of Bristol that are impor­tant to its his­to­ry and its devel­op­ing economy.”

This is the sec­ond year the sixth graders par­tic­i­pat­ed in the walk­ing tour. Sometimes, res­i­dents of the homes and build­ings come out and add to the expe­ri­ence. For exam­ple, last year the Louis and Cissi Quattrocchi saw the tour and came out to wel­come the stu­dents and even answered ques­tions about their his­toric home. “The kids real­ly enjoyed see­ing who lived there today and how proud they were to live in such a his­toric home.”

6th grade students sitting on steps with papers in their handsThe pod­cast tour is such a great resource to have, said Esposito. Harold and Carol Mitchener, the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation, as well as the Grundy Foundation did such a won­der­ful job in cre­at­ing such a qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion­al resource that can be enjoyed by gen­er­a­tions of Bristolians, as well as vis­i­tors to the bor­ough. My hope is that the stu­dents share this expe­ri­ence with their fam­i­lies and encour­ages them to go back and take the tour again with their families.”