Try Before You Play” Event Builds Excitement for Music Education

During the sec­ond week of the new school year, Neshaminy School District music teach­ers and a group of Neshaminy High School stu­dent musi­cians wel­comed dis­trict ele­men­tary school stu­dents to Instrumental Music Discovery Night. This annu­al event was an oppor­tu­ni­ty for prospec­tive musi­cians to try out var­i­ous string and band instru­ments, … Read more...

Summer program targets learning loss

This sum­mer, Neshaminy was for­tu­nate to offer an Elementary Pilot Intervention Program as part of their MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) ini­tia­tive. This pilot pro­gram was offered using fed­er­al ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds pro­vid­ed to the District to address learn­ing loss. The goal of the pro­gram


Community Foundation sponsors a Neshaminy student podcast

The Neshaminy Coalition for Youth (NC4Y), a community-based group devot­ed to pro­mot­ing healthy lifestyles and pos­i­tive choic­es for young peo­ple, has announced the debut of a new pod­cast series, “Giving Youth a Voice.” The plan is to have Neshaminy School District stu­dents host each episode, gen­er­ate top­ics that … Read more...

After a virtual year, Neshaminy MiniTHON roars back with record totals

After going vir­tu­al for a year, the Neshaminy High School MiniTHON returned to their tra­di­tion­al in-person for­mat on January 14. Following an after­noon of music, danc­ing and games in Gym 3, the orga­niz­ers revealed the total raised for Four Diamonds — a foun­da­tion that funds pedi­atric can­cer research and helps


Club builds bridges among students with different needs

The Change It Up Club at Neshaminy High School has a very spe­cial mis­sion — to bring stu­dents with very dif­fer­ent needs, abil­i­ties and back­grounds together.

The club imple­ments extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties to help those with spe­cial needs in the com­mu­ni­ty. Sandi Spong, a Special Education teacher who is the club’s … Read more...

Ceremony brings students, veterans together

 For the 23rd year, stu­dents and staff at Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne hon­ored local vet­er­ans with a cer­e­mo­ny, held on Friday, November 8 this year. This event brought over 65 local vet­er­ans togeth­er with eighth-grade stu­dents for a mov­ing cer­e­mo­ny that fea­tured stu­dents and guest speak­ers, musi­cal … Read more...

Neshaminy Art Program Recognized for Fifth Consecutive Year

For the fifth year in a row, Neshaminy has been rec­og­nized as an Outstanding Visual Arts Community by the Pennsylvania Art Education Association (PAEA). According to the PAEA, dis­tricts receiv­ing this endorse­ment demon­strate the impor­tance of their visu­al arts pro­grams with:

  • Rigorous and Inclusive Programs: Arts pro­grams demon­strate