Exhibit pairs student artists, teachers

Neshaminy District art teach­ers Terry O’Neill (Neshaminy HS) and Justin Bursk (Herbert Hoover ES) have been cho­sen to par­tic­i­pate in the Exhibition Cross Pollination at Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University. They will each exhib­it one of their art­works along­side one of their student’s art­works. … Read more...

When school is out, teachers become the students

The first week of sum­mer for the stu­dents at Neshaminy was not vaca­tion time for edu­ca­tors through­out the dis­trict. Besides fin­ish­ing up paper­work and prepar­ing class­rooms for the sum­mer, staff mem­bers spent sev­er­al days in pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment class­es learn­ing from each oth­er and out­side pre­sen­ters on a wide vari­ety of … Read more...

Neshaminy Performs Together…Even When Apart

The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic may have put the brakes on spring con­certs, but the music teach­ers and stu­dent per­form­ers did­n’t let that stop them from join­ing in song even though they were apart.

Several schools host­ed vir­tu­al recitals that includ­ed dozens or even hun­dreds of par­tic­i­pants in Zoom meet­ings lis­ten­ing to their … Read more...

Neshaminy stays social despite the distancing

Even in the new age of social dis­tanc­ing, Neshaminy staff and stu­dents have found mul­ti­ple ways to stay con­nect­ed to learn, enjoy each oth­ers com­pa­ny and share cre­ativ­i­ty online. Online webi­na­rs and meet­ings, once the main­stay of start-up busi­ness and cor­po­rate teams, have become the “go-to” way for teams of … Read more...

Temple art show pairs teachers, students

Herbert Hoover ES art teacher Justin Bursk and Neshaminy High School art teacher Terry O’Neill were both accept­ed into the Artists as Educators exhi­bi­tion at Tyler School of Art, Temple University. This exhib­it pairs an art educator’s art­work with the art­work of their stu­dents. The goal is to pair stu­dents … Read more...

Community chips in to help student support efforts

Neshaminy received some help from a local foun­da­tion and super­mar­ket chain in May for efforts to assist District fam­i­lies fac­ing var­i­ous eco­nom­ic challenges.

The Distrtict received $20,000 from the The Gene and Marlene Epstein Humanitarian Fund, which will be used to help Neshaminy stu­dents and their fam­i­lies who are in … Read more...

Author keeps a 16-year-old promise to his middle school teacher

In 2004, a stu­dent in Stacey Flaville-Boop’s 8th-grade English class at Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne start­ed work­ing on an inde­pen­dent writ­ing project. The aspir­ing author, Hank Curry, shared his novel­la one chap­ter at a time with his teacher, who offered con­struc­tive feed­back and encour­age­ment. Ms. Flaville-Boop, who is … Read more...

Pennsbury celebrates 30 years of cultural exchange with Germany

The World Language Department is excit­ed to share the news that fif­teen Pennsbury stu­dents are par­tic­i­pat­ing in our 30th German-American Partnership Program (GAPP) with chap­er­ones Frau DeKorte, Herr Snyder, and Herr Stoloski. This year’s sum­mer abroad expe­ri­ence (7/30–8/24) includes trav­el to Reykjavik, Salzburg, Munich, Berlin, and a six­teen

Neshaminy is leading the way with Amplify Science

On October 15, 2019, Maple Point MS sci­ence teach­ers Chuck Lumio and Dan Winter held a lunchtime con­fer­ence call with the Senior Project Manager of the Amplify Science pro­gram through the University of California at Berkley. Neshaminy has been lead­ing the way for the past sev­er­al years inte­grat­ing Next Generation … Read more...

Neshaminy drama students stage an original play online

A group of Neshaminy High School Drama stu­dents wrapped up their Counterparts in Hope Facebook Live per­for­mance series on May 26 with a unique show. Each week since the Covid-19 clo­sure began in March, the stu­dents have been stag­ing a series of indi­vid­ual per­for­mances online every Tuesday evening. Those per­for­mances … Read more...

Produce donation expanding food horizons

Students at Tawanka Elementary School in Feasterville have been sam­pling a vari­ety of fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles thanks to a part­ner­ship between phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion teacher Bob Wright and the Giant Food Store in Feasterville. Each month the stu­dents will receive a sam­ple of a dif­fer­ent fruit or veg­etable — start­ing … Read more...