After a virtual year, Neshaminy MiniTHON roars back with record totals

After going vir­tu­al for a year, the Neshaminy High School MiniTHON returned to their tra­di­tion­al in-person for­mat on January 14. Following an after­noon of music, danc­ing and games in Gym 3, the orga­niz­ers revealed the total raised for Four Diamonds — a foun­da­tion that funds pedi­atric can­cer research and helps


Neshaminy named “Best Community for Music Education” for fifth year

Neshaminy School District has once again been hon­ored with the Best Communities for Music Education des­ig­na­tion from The NAMM Foundation for its out­stand­ing com­mit­ment to music edu­ca­tion. This des­ig­na­tion is award­ed to dis­tricts that demon­strate out­stand­ing achieve­ment in efforts to pro­vide music access and edu­ca­tion to all stu­dents. Neshaminy has Read more...

Teachers secure $100k DEP grant to repair natural area by Neshaminy HS

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has award­ed Neshaminy School District an Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Grant (also known as the Growing Greener Grant) in the amount of $100,339.00.

This grant was estab­lished under the Commonwealth’s Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Act (1999) with the goal … Read more...

Club builds bridges among students with different needs

The Change It Up Club at Neshaminy High School has a very spe­cial mis­sion — to bring stu­dents with very dif­fer­ent needs, abil­i­ties and back­grounds together.

The club imple­ments extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties to help those with spe­cial needs in the com­mu­ni­ty. Sandi Spong, a Special Education teacher who is the club’s … Read more...

Summer program targets learning loss

This sum­mer, Neshaminy was for­tu­nate to offer an Elementary Pilot Intervention Program as part of their MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) ini­tia­tive. This pilot pro­gram was offered using fed­er­al ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds pro­vid­ed to the District to address learn­ing loss. The goal of the pro­gram


Audubon Society sponors girls STEAM Club

Thanks to a grant-funded ini­tia­tive from the Bucks County Audubon Society, a group of 5th-grade girls at Poquessing Middle School in the Neshaminy School District are spend­ing some of their after­noons explor­ing sci­ence, nature and physics dur­ing STEAM Club meet­ings. This pilot con­cept activ­i­ty is in its first year and … Read more...

Music teacher profiled in professional journal

A Neshaminy School District teacher was hon­ored with an appear­ance in a nation­al jour­nal for music edu­ca­tors over the sum­mer. Poquessing Middle School (Feasterville) music teacher Jason Leigh was among 11 teach­ers from across the coun­try pro­filed in the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Choral Journal recent­ly. He … Read more...

Neshaminy art shows celebrate creativity

Neshaminy’s ele­men­tary schools held an online art show dur­ing the final weeks of school. Students were encour­aged to cre­ate art and dis­play it on Flipgrid, an online pre­sen­ta­tion tool that allowed them to share with their art with fel­low stu­dents across the District. The show received over 300 sub­mis­sions, which … Read more...

When school is out, teachers become the students

The first week of sum­mer for the stu­dents at Neshaminy was not vaca­tion time for edu­ca­tors through­out the dis­trict. Besides fin­ish­ing up paper­work and prepar­ing class­rooms for the sum­mer, staff mem­bers spent sev­er­al days in pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment class­es learn­ing from each oth­er and out­side pre­sen­ters on a wide vari­ety of … Read more...

From Neshaminy to the world, American Idol competitor charms audiences

Neshaminy High School senior Catie Turner had a dream to com­pete on the ABC-TV reboot of the pop­u­lar show American Idol, and she did­n’t let a lit­tle thing like rejec­tion from her first audi­tion stop her from ful­fill­ing that dream.

With an ener­getic, quirky style and a singing voice that some … Read more...

Speaker series brings the US Constitution to life

Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne once again cel­e­brat­ed the US Constitution by invit­ing guest speak­ers to talk with stu­dents in each grade about their involve­ment with our guid­ing doc­u­ment in September and October. This speak­er series has become a school tra­di­tion, dur­ing which stu­dents are able to con­nect con­cept … Read more...

MLK Day project offers hope and fills “Blessing Bags”

On Monday, January 20, over 150 Maple Point Middle School stu­dents and a small group of Neshaminy High School stu­dents gath­ered in the cafe­te­ria at Maple Point in Langhorne for the third annu­al Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service project to ben­e­fit Angels in Motion. 

Students through­out the …

Sixth-grade class reunites after 47 years

On January 26, 2019, 17 of 21 stu­dents from retired Neshaminy School District teacher Harry Myrga’s 1972–1973 sixth-grade class at Everitt Elementary School returned to the area for a reunion held at the Attleboro Community in Langhorne. They came from as far away as Washington state, Arizona, Texas and Israel. … Read more...

Author keeps a 16-year-old promise to his middle school teacher

In 2004, a stu­dent in Stacey Flaville-Boop’s 8th-grade English class at Maple Point Middle School in Langhorne start­ed work­ing on an inde­pen­dent writ­ing project. The aspir­ing author, Hank Curry, shared his novel­la one chap­ter at a time with his teacher, who offered con­struc­tive feed­back and encour­age­ment. Ms. Flaville-Boop, who is … Read more...

Pennsbury celebrates 30 years of cultural exchange with Germany

The World Language Department is excit­ed to share the news that fif­teen Pennsbury stu­dents are par­tic­i­pat­ing in our 30th German-American Partnership Program (GAPP) with chap­er­ones Frau DeKorte, Herr Snyder, and Herr Stoloski. This year’s sum­mer abroad expe­ri­ence (7/30–8/24) includes trav­el to Reykjavik, Salzburg, Munich, Berlin, and a six­teen