Summer program targets learning loss

This sum­mer, Neshaminy was for­tu­nate to offer an Elementary Pilot Intervention Program as part of their MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) ini­tia­tive. This pilot pro­gram was offered using fed­er­al ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds pro­vid­ed to the District to address learn­ing loss. The goal of the pro­gram was to pro­vide addi­tion­al inter­ven­tions for five weeks in the sum­mer in the areas of both Reading and Math to ris­ing first through sixth graders. This pro­gram was an invi­ta­tion only pro­gram based on deci­sions made through­out the year using data from the District uni­ver­sal Screener and progress monitoring.

Twenty-five stu­dents attend­ed the pro­gram at Joseph Ferderbar Elementary for five weeks, four days a week. While stu­dents were engaged in aca­d­e­m­ic inter­ven­tions, they also social­ized with peers and enjoyed activ­i­ties designed around week­ly sum­mer themes. Progress mon­i­tor­ing was com­plet­ed week­ly and the over­all suc­cess of the pilot pro­gram will be mea­sured using the Fall Universal Screening data.

The chil­dren have a big smile on their face,” said Tawanka ES teacher Lisa Eckelmeyer, one of sev­er­al teach­ers spend­ing part of their sum­mer at Ferderbar. “The pro­gram is casu­al, but rig­or­ous at the same time.”

They get a lot of per­son­al atten­tion. They are busy the entire two and a half hours that they are here. They’re read­ing, they’re writ­ing, they’re doing math, but I don’t think they real­ize how hard they are work­ing. They’re actu­al­ly just hav­ing fun read­ing sto­ries, and work­ing on skills.”

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After review­ing the data in the fall, the District will make a rec­om­men­da­tion on whether to con­tin­ue the pro­gram in 2023 with an expan­sion to the oth­er ele­men­tary schools to pro­vide more Neshaminy stu­dents with inter­ven­tions to close the gap in learn­ing by address­ing stu­dents’ aca­d­e­m­ic and social needs