This summer, Neshaminy was fortunate to offer an Elementary Pilot Intervention Program as part of their MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) initiative. This pilot program was offered using federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds provided to the District to address learning loss. The goal of the program was to provide additional interventions for five weeks in the summer in the areas of both Reading and Math to rising first through sixth graders. This program was an invitation only program based on decisions made throughout the year using data from the District universal Screener and progress monitoring.
Twenty-five students attended the program at Joseph Ferderbar Elementary for five weeks, four days a week. While students were engaged in academic interventions, they also socialized with peers and enjoyed activities designed around weekly summer themes. Progress monitoring was completed weekly and the overall success of the pilot program will be measured using the Fall Universal Screening data.
“The children have a big smile on their face,” said Tawanka ES teacher Lisa Eckelmeyer, one of several teachers spending part of their summer at Ferderbar. “The program is casual, but rigorous at the same time.”
“They get a lot of personal attention. They are busy the entire two and a half hours that they are here. They’re reading, they’re writing, they’re doing math, but I don’t think they realize how hard they are working. They’re actually just having fun reading stories, and working on skills.”
After reviewing the data in the fall, the District will make a recommendation on whether to continue the program in 2023 with an expansion to the other elementary schools to provide more Neshaminy students with interventions to close the gap in learning by addressing students’ academic and social needs