Bucks and Montgomery County Cooperative Education Association meets to discuss workforce needs.

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Cooperative Education Coordinators Ms. Pamela Swoyer and Mr. Steve Guinan host­ed the Bucks and Montgomery County Cooperative Education Association’s first meet­ing of the year. Ms. Swoyer has served as the President of this group for many years. They col­lab­o­rate on work­force needs, share best prac­tices, have edu­ca­tion­al train­ings, and com­pli­ment and assist the Pennsylvania Cooperative Education Association.

Ms. Swoyer says “Our group is a cohort of edu­ca­tors striv­ing to serve stu­dents in career explo­ration through gain­ful employ­ment. We work togeth­er to share best prac­tices and stu­dent opportunities.”

The group is com­prised of Cooperative Education Coordinators, Transition Coordinators and School to Work Coordinators. Ms. Lise Rich Special Education teacher at MBIT high­light­ed and explain the Career Pathway our Early Childhood Education stu­dents can par­tic­i­pate in. Our stu­dents have ben­e­fit­ed from part­ner­ships with Co-op employ­ers to gain access to Rising Stars Tuition Assistance and/or the T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood Pennsylvania ini­tia­tive. Our stu­dents have received CDA vouch­er assis­tance, col­lege tuition reim­burse­ment, bonus­es and paid release time for post-secondary school work. The part­ner­ship with local indus­try pro­vides the back drop and con­nec­tiv­i­ty for suc­cess­ful edu­ca­tion­al and career outcomes.