A group of Neshaminy High School Drama students wrapped up their Counterparts in Hope Facebook Live performance series on May 26 with a unique show. Each week since the Covid-19 closure began in March, the students have been staging a series of individual performances online every Tuesday evening. Those performances quickly gained a loyal following.
One of the Neshaminy drama seniors, Erin McGinniss, wrote a one-act play called Inoperable. Over the course of a month, the students held auditions and then rehearsals on Zoom. The show had a cast of nine. The show was filmed on Zoom, and senior Emma Menzel edited it. The show made a debut on the Counterparts Facebook page on Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27 and included a live talkback with the cast and crew. The show and interview can still be viewed on the Counterparts in Hope Facebook group page.
The group also was invited to participate in a virtual theater festival staged by the Bucks County Playhouse. They performed selections from this year’s musical, Matilda.