Thank You Team Bucks IU

These are try­ing and dif­fcult times requir­ing lots of changes and adjust­ments.   We want to take a moment to rec­og­nize the tru­ly out­stand­ing efforts, strength, and sup­port that we have received from our entire Bucks IU Team.  They have tru­ly exem­pli­fied the mean­ing of ‘team’ with their atti­tude, inge­nu­ity, and for­ti­tude.  We have joined hands (vir­tu­al­ly of course as we prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing) to share and help and guide one another. 

You care.

You work hard.

You make a difference. 

We are excep­tion­al­ly proud and pro­found­ly grate­ful for all you do, and we thank you!