Lendo Fellowships Awarded to 12 Pennsbury Students

Thanks to a gen­er­ous endow­ment fund estab­lished in 2007 by Pennsbury ’64 alum­nus, Arthur J. Lendo, Ph.D., 12 stu­dents at Pennsbury High School were select­ed to receive Lendo Fellowship awards to help sup­port their aca­d­e­m­ic and co-curricular pur­suits. The 2019–2020 school year marked the endow­ment fund’s 13th anniver­sary. The … Read more...

Pennsbury Elementary Schools Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hol­i­day on Jan. 18th was the 26th anniver­sary of the nation­al Day of Service that cel­e­brates the civ­il rights lead­er’s life and lega­cy. On this school hol­i­day, all ten Pennsbury School District ele­men­tary schools marked the fourth annu­al col­lab­o­ra­tive Day of Service. Fifth … Read more...

Best Buddies Accompany Autistic Support Students to NYC

Thanks to the ded­i­ca­tion of numer­ous staff mem­bers and the enthu­si­asm of Pennsbury’s mid­dle school “Best Buddies,” a total of 15 stu­dents in the District’s Autistic Support Program had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see a Broadway pro­duc­tion of Aladdin. The show was a spe­cial Autism-friendly per­for­mance pro­duced by the Theatre Development … Read more...

Pennsbury Librarians Coordinate Book Lending

Students across the Pennsbury School District have access to books from the school libraries dur­ing the COVID clo­sure peri­od thanks to the District  librar­i­ans, shares Manor Elementary librar­i­an, Megan Edson.  “All ten ele­men­tary schools are offer­ing curb­side pick-up of library books by hav­ing stu­dents select books via Destiny (Pennsbury’s … Read more...

Pennsbury Schools Recognized for PBIS

Pennsbury is cel­e­brat­ing the accom­plish­ments of nine District schools, as each was rec­og­nized recent­ly by the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network (PaPBS). According to Regina Rausch, Director of Special Education, the schools are among the 2020 recip­i­ents of recog­ni­tion for high fideli­ty imple­men­ta­tion of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports … Read more...

Biography Bash Held at Walt Disney Elementary

Third grade stu­dents held their annu­al “Biography Bash” at Pennsbury’s Walt Disney Elementary School in the spring of 2019. “This is a two-part project that involves in-classroom research and a project to work on at home,” explained teacher, Jess Holzerman. “Students arrived dressed as famous peo­ple, ready to embody … Read more...

Pennsbury High School Achieves World Record

The “Best Prom in America” just got even bet­ter, thanks to spe­cial recog­ni­tion by the Guinness World Records team!

After care­ful­ly doc­u­ment­ing the process that led to the cre­ation of the largest mur­al of kiss­es, or lip prints, Pennsbury High School admin­is­tra­tors were noti­fied by the Guinness World Records team … Read more...

AOY Art Center to Host 4th Annual Show of Works by Pennsbury Art Majors

The AOY Art Center, a Pennsbury Partner, will host the fourth annu­al gallery show of adju­di­cat­ed Pennsbury stu­dent work on two week­ends in ear­ly 2020. As in past years, this show­case of up-and-coming tal­ent will be juried by mem­bers of the AOY Art Center and prizes will be award­ed. First … Read more...

Pennsbury Recognized as Outstanding Visual Arts Community

The Pennsylvania Art Education Association (PAEA) is proud to rec­og­nize Pennsbury School District for its out­stand­ing com­mit­ment to visu­al arts edu­ca­tion with the endorse­ment, Outstanding Visual Arts Community 2019. PAEA empow­ers its mem­bers to trans­form their prac­tices, stu­dents, col­leagues, and com­mu­ni­ties to build a strong art edu­ca­tion … Read more...

Pennsbury Elementary Schools Recognized by character.org

Congratulations to all ten Pennsbury ele­men­tary schools! As a group, they earned a 2018 Promising Practices Award from Character.org for con­duct­ing the inau­gur­al Pennsbury Day of Service activ­i­ty on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This was one of just 258 Promising Practices awards grant­ed by Character.org nation­wide to schools, … Read more...

Pennsbury Enviro Science Club Honored

The Pennsbury High School Environmental Science Club, led by fac­ul­ty advi­sor, Kristen Realdine, was rec­og­nized recent­ly by the Lower Makefield Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) and the township’s Board of Supervisors for the club’s impres­sive work on reduc­ing envi­ron­men­tal waste and advanc­ing the instal­la­tion of water refill … Read more...

First Grade Students Learn from Virtual Reality

Pennsbury Technology Department staff mem­ber, Amanda D’Amico, host­ed a vir­tu­al real­i­ty tour of aquat­ic life around the globe for first grade stu­dents at Penn Valley Elementary School. The stu­dents first read a non­fic­tion piece about ani­mals and their traits for sur­vival. The vir­tu­al real­i­ty tour brought to life the … Read more...