AOY Art Center Hosts 3rd Annual Show of Pennsbury Student Work

The Artists of Yardley (AOY) Art Center, a Pennsbury Partner, host­ed the third annu­al gallery show of adju­di­cat­ed Pennsbury stu­dent work on two week­ends in January, 2019. As in past years, this show­case of up-and-coming tal­ent was juried by mem­bers of AOY after the stu­dents curat­ed their own col­lec­tions of favorite works from sequen­tial high school art classes.

A wide vari­ety of stu­dent works in many dif­fer­ent media were exhib­it­ed, includ­ing orig­i­nal still life draw­ings, air­brushed skate­boards, ceram­ics, stained glass lamps, and dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy. This year, Pennsbury Art Majors also cre­at­ed unique por­traits and self-portraits in the style of mas­ter artist, Guiseppe Arcimboldo, using a vari­ety of sur­pris­ing objects. Guests also saw a col­lec­tion of large, 3D pieces from the sculp­ture and advanced 3D classes.

The AOY Art Center is locat­ed on the Patterson Farm at 949 Mirror Lake Road in Lower Makefield Township. The pub­lic was invit­ed to an open­ing recep­tion at the cen­ter on Friday, January 18th and the gallery show con­tin­ued dur­ing the last two week­ends of the month.

Ruth Anne Schultz, Pennsbury’s K‑12 Art Curriculum Coordinator, said, “On behalf of the Art Department, I’d like to say that this part­ner­ship with the AOY Art Center is a win-win for both the stu­dents of Pennsbury and the com­mu­ni­ty. We appre­ci­ate all the extra effort that AOY con­tributed to host this stu­dent exhi­bi­tion, and we are excit­ed that these pub­lic shows bring more com­mu­ni­ty expo­sure for the work of our stu­dents and their teachers.”

The pur­pose of the AOY Art Center is to pur­sue art edu­ca­tion for the com­mu­ni­ty. For more infor­ma­tion about cur­rent exhi­bi­tions or class­es, vis­it or call Bette Sovinee at 215–493-1205.

AOY was named Pennsbury’s Nonprofit Partner of the Year for the 2018–2019 aca­d­e­m­ic year.