Pennsbury Named to AP District Honor Roll

The College Board has announced that Pennsbury School District has earned a posi­tion on the 9th annu­al AP District Honor Roll! Pennsbury is among only 373 school dis­tricts in North America to receive this honor. 

I am proud of our stu­dents, teach­ers, and admin­is­tra­tors in build­ing our AP Program and their strong ded­i­ca­tion to high lev­els of achieve­ment in both their course­work and on the AP test­ing,” said Theresa Ricci, Director of Secondary Education.

The annu­al AP District Honor Roll rec­og­nizes dis­tricts for increas­ing access to Advanced Placement course work while main­tain­ing or increas­ing the per­cent­age of stu­dents earn­ing scores of 3 or high­er on AP exams. Honor Roll dis­tricts defy the expec­ta­tion that expand­ing access auto­mat­i­cal­ly results in a decline in the per­cent­age of exams earn­ing scores of 3 or bet­ter. Reaching these goals indi­cates that our School District is suc­cess­ful­ly iden­ti­fy­ing moti­vat­ed, academically-prepared stu­dents who are like­ly to ben­e­fit from rig­or­ous course work, accord­ing to the College Board. 

This is a tes­ta­ment to the hard work that our cur­ricu­lum coor­di­na­tors and teach­ing staff put into imple­ment­ing the Advanced Placement Program at Pennsbury High School,” said Reggie Meadows, Principal of Pennsbury High School East. “I am proud of how well our stu­dents chal­lenge them­selves to per­form at a high level.”