Palisades Community Foundation Annual 5K Event May 18th

REGISTER NOW!  Sign up now for the 5K Family Walk/Run being held on Saturday, May 18th at PHS!  Don’t miss this fam­i­ly fun event!  Registration begins at 7:30AM and the race begins at 9AM.  Go to

Vendors or schools/community orga­ni­za­tions that are inter­est­ed in set­ting up a table at our com­mu­ni­ty fair fol­low­ing the race, should con­tact Palisades Community Foundation OR fill out the form linked below to make those arrange­ments.  Cost will be $25 for ven­dor tables and no charge for non-profits.

Both forms attached on E‑Friday Folder sec­tion linked below.

Proceeds from this event will go towards the Education, Arts and Wellness ini­tia­tives in Palisades School District.