Cosmetology Clinic Opens!

BCTHS holds a Cosmetology Clinic that opens to the Public on Thursdays and Fridays from 9am to 12:00 Noon.

Depending on the day, Junior/Senior Cosmetology stu­dents put their tal­ents to work in pro­vid­ing salon ser­vices to their clients. Services offered are hair­cuts and blow-dries, hair col­or ser­vices, Keratin treat­ments, man­i­cures and … Read more...

Bucks Tech Students win Auto Competition

Seniors Eric Harlan, of Bristol Township, and Dominic Carbone, of Falls, are the first pair from the Bristol Township school to win the Greater Philadelphia Automotive Technology competition.

A keen knack for trou­bleshoot­ing cars has earned two Bucks County Technical High School seniors some pres­ti­gious recog­ni­tion and a fair­ly mas­sive … Read more...

Students Build Benches at Snipes Farm

Students in BCTHS’ Community Construction Club, through the 21st Century Program, worked one Saturday morn­ing at Snipe’s Farm in Morrisville build­ing bench­es for the Snipe’s Farm Children’s Outdoor Classroom.  The stu­dents used planks that were cre­at­ed from a downed tree dur­ing Hurricane Sandy.

Thank you to Mr. Baker …

Winners at State DECA!

Ten BCTHS stu­dents from the Marketing Management and Business Management pro­grams com­pet­ed at the 68th Annual PA DECA State Career Development Conference held in Hershey, PA from Feb 19–22, 2019.  Over 3,000 mem­bers attend­ed the con­fer­ence from schools through­out Pennsylvania.

Congratulations to Junior, Caitlyn Wos for First Place over­all … Read more...

Automotive Experts!

Seniors, Ray Lamer and Szymon Wisniewski par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 2019 Greater Philadelphia Automotive Competition host­ed by the Automotive Training Center held March 8, 2019.  Twelve teams par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 5 hour event.  Our stu­dents placed sec­ond.  The first place team earned 1,320 points.  BCTHS scored 1,278 only 42 points dif­fer­ence.  … Read more...

Donated Engines Lead to Certifications

Outdoor Power Equipment teacher, Mr. Jeff Cesari, is proud to announce a dona­tion from Yamaha Outboards.  Mr. Cesari’s pro­gram is the recent recip­i­ent of a Yamaha 2014 F30 out­board engine for their new­ly updat­ed Marine Program.  Included in the new pro­gram are sev­en Yamaha online train­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tions which his stu­dents … Read more...