Goodnoe Elementary School Exceeds in First In Math Program

For the third con­sec­u­tive year, Goodnoe Elementary School stu­dents placed nation­al­ly in the First in Math online com­pe­ti­tion. First in Math is an online learn­ing pro­gram that sees cities, schools, class­es, and stu­dents engag­ing in friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion while strength­en­ing their math skills. Competing from school or from home, stu­dents accu­mu­late stick­ers as they log in hours and advance through a series of math games. Families can even get in on the fun by com­pet­ing from home as their own group. Goodnoe Elementary stu­dents cer­tain­ly proved that learn­ing math is more excit­ing than ever as the school placed 11th in the nation amongst the First in Math state lev­el com­peti­tors, get­ting them a First in Math plaque. Goodnoe also had the 7th high­est indi­vid­ual play­er in the nation, mak­ing her the proud win­ner of a beau­ti­ful gold star award. Congratulations to all of Goodnoe’s many First in Math play­ers who proved that they are major­ly tal­ent­ed when it comes to math skills.