Council Rock North Students Take the No Place for Hate Pledge

Council Rock North ninth grade stu­dents were offered the oppor­tu­ni­ty to “Sign the Pledge” through the Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate cam­paign on their first day of school. Their sig­na­tures will be dis­played through­out the year next to the NP4H8 mur­al in CR North’s cafe­te­ria. Student lead­ers of the Rock Ambassadors pro­gram dis­cussed the impor­tance of stand­ing up to hate dur­ing their tours of the build­ing. They con­clud­ed their tours by offer­ing stu­dents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take/sign the pledge and remind­ing their peers that CRN has No Place for Hate.