Pre‑K Counts Free Preschool Now Available Through the Bucks IU

The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) has been award­ed a 2018–2019 state grant of $680,000 to pro­vide free preschool to 80 chil­dren from income-eligible fam­i­lies in Bucks coun­ty.  Pennsylvania Pre‑K Counts pro­vides high-quality pre-kindergarten ser­vices to three and four-year old chil­dren at no cost to their fam­i­lies.  Children liv­ing in fam­i­lies earn­ing up to 300 per­cent of fed­er­al pover­ty guide­lines (e.g. a fam­i­ly of four earn­ing up to $75,300 annu­al­ly) are eli­gi­ble to apply. Pre-Applications, to sup­ply ini­tial fam­i­ly infor­ma­tion, can be com­plet­ed by click­ing here or by vis­it­ing and select­ing the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed there.

Quality pre-kindergarten address­es all areas of child devel­op­ment includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, social emo­tion­al, lan­guage and lit­er­a­cy, math­e­mat­i­cal think­ing and expres­sion, and phys­i­cal devel­op­ment.  This strong ear­ly start in pre-kindergarten means they have a bet­ter chance of being ready for kinder­garten, doing well in school, going on to col­lege or career train­ing, and get­ting a good job.

Pre‑K Count class­es meet for six hours a day on a cal­en­dar that mir­rors that of the school dis­tricts in which the school resides.  The 80 stu­dents who will be ser­viced through the Bucks IU’s grant will attend class­es at one of the fol­low­ing locations:

  • Diebler Elementary School in the Pennridge School District
  • West Rockhill Elementary School in the Pennridge School District
  • Neshaminy Warwick Presbyterian Church at the bor­der of the Central Bucks and Centennial School Districts
  • Snyder-Girotti Elementary School in the Bristol Borough School District

Additionally, the Bucks IU, part­ners with the Neshaminy School District, will also be pro­vid­ing the teach­ers and sup­port staff for all the Pre‑K Counts stu­dents that are enrolled through the Neshaminy School District’s Pre‑K Counts grant.  These 120 stu­dents will attend class­es in the Bucks IU Lower Southampton Early Learning Center in Lower Southampton, Joseph Ferderbar Elementary School in Lower Southampton, and the Albert Schweitzer Elementary School in Middletown.

In total, the Bucks IU will over­see the edu­ca­tion­al needs of 200 Bucks County preschool­ers through the 2018–2019 Pre‑K Counts pro­gram.  Pre-Applications, to sup­ply ini­tial fam­i­ly infor­ma­tion, can be com­plet­ed by click­ing here or by vis­it­ing and select­ing the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed there.  For ques­tions or assis­tance in apply­ing, please con­tact Joan Pfender, Bucks IU Family Engagement Specialist, at 215–348-2940 Extension 8911 or email her at